994 [Denmark - Schleswig-Holstein]
- Regnorum Daniae & Norwegiae, ut &
Ducatuum Slesvici & Holsatiae (...) descriptio nova. Iconibus praecipuarum civitatum adornata.
Cum Praefatione de rebus gestis Normannorum. Amsterdam, A. Janssonius Valckenier, 1655,
12mo, cont. vellum, flat spine, red edges, [24]-280-[22], 95-[1 bl.-11-1 bl.] pp. (waterstain in upper
part, some marg. wormholes). Good copy.
Very rare illustrated history of Denmark/Norway and of Schleswig-Holstein, with a short history
of the Normans, by the German historian Martin Zeiller (1589-1661). Foreword dated 19 January
Engr. title with author’s portrait
25 folding engr. views and maps of towns
the folding map of Scandinavia). Among the towns: Bergen, Helsingborg, Copenhagen, Lund,
Hamburg, Kiel, Lübeck and Schleswig.
STCN (2: BL copies only!). BnF (1). Not in Matagne
995 [Europe]
D’AVITY, Pierre
- Description generale de l’Europe, quatriesme partie du monde, avec
tous ses empires, royaumes estats, et republiques (…). Tome I-II, [ed. François Ranchin]. Paris, L.
Cottereau, 1643, 2 vols, folio, cont. calf (rubbed, joints splitting, spine def.), covers with double
gilt ruled border, [8]-895-[22], [4]-460-[40] pp. (quires Lll in wrong order; paper age-toned, occ.
dampstaining, tear in S3 of II and in some map folds). Very good copy.
Extensive description by P. d’Avity (1573-1635) edited by François Ranchin (1564-1641), of the
regions of (I): Spain and Portugal, Great Britain and Ireland, the Spanish Netherlands and the
Dutch Republic, Switzerland, Germany, the Austrian territories in Central Europe, and (II): France.
Engr. on titles. Titles in red & black.
5 folding engr. maps
, by Michel van Lochom, of Europe
(dated 1640), Spain and Portugal (dated 1640), Great Britain and Ireland (dated 1639), (greater)
Germany (dated 1637), and France (dated 1633; with portrait of Louis XIII). Old name on 1st title.
A few old marg. notes.
Not in BnF, Goldsmith (BL). (2 vols)
996 [Flanders - Facsimile edition]
- De groote Kaart van Vlaanderen
vervaardigd in 1540 door Geeraard Mercator (...) bij middel van den lichtdruk weergegeven (...)
door Jos. Maes, fotograaf en voorzien van eene verklarende inleiding door Dr. J. Van Raemdonck
= La grande carte de Flandre dressée en 1540 par Gérard Mercator. Reproduction phototypique
de l’exemplaire conservé au Musée Plantin-Moretus (...). Anvers, Veuve De Backer, 1882, plano,
halflinnen uitgeversmap met titel op beide platten (vuile randen, roestvlekjes, rug lichtjes gescheurd),
[13] ff., 9 pl. (lichtjes gebruinde randen). Goed ex.
Zeldzame facsimile uitgave van de grote Vlaanderenkaart van Mercator. De begeleidende tekst
bestaat uit 6 Nederlandse en 7 Franstalige bladen. Geïll. met 9 kaarten.
~ Splendid iconography of 17th c. France ~
997 [France]
- Topographia Galliae, dat is, een Algemeene en naeukeurige lant en
plaets-beschrijvinghe van het machtige koninckrijck Vranckryck (...). Amsterdam, Wid. J. Broersz.
& C. Merian [- C. Meriaen, B. & J.J. Appelaer], 1660-1663, 4 vol., folio, contemp. vellum (small
traces of use, some light stains), blind rules and tools on covers, hand titled spines on 6 raised bands,
[6]-374-[6], [2]-184-[4], [2]-420-]4], [2]-473-[5] pp. (a few small stains, some ff. or quires brown.,
esp. in parts III & IV, some sm. marg. tears). Good copy with plates in very good impression and
mounted on stubs.
Cfr. ill.
New, revised and enlarged ed. (1st ed. in German 1655-1661), profusely illustrated by
: 4 different ill. titlepages,
18 folding maps
including 1 general map of France and
306 pl.
most doublepaged, some folding, some representing more than 1 view. Magnificent iconography
of the 17th c. France, picturing around 400 perspective or bird’s eye views of sites, cities, castles,
abbeys, churches, fortifications... Complete with the
2 large panoramic views and the 2 folding
maps of Paris
, also containing large views of Bordeaux, Lyon, Rouen, Metz, Reims, Troyes, Dijon,
Nevers, Marseille...
*** Splendide iconographie de la France du XVIIe s., comprenant 4 titres illustrés, 18 cartes
dépliantes dont 1 carte générale et 306 planches, pour la plupart dépliantes, figurant près de 400
vues. Complet des 2 grandes et belles vues panoramiques et des 2 plans de Paris.
71-84 (German ed.). STCN. BnF.
1...,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246 248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255,256,257,...432
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