Very rare and interesting map of Japan showing in a panoramical view the whole country with all
its isles, mountains, towns etc. This map dates probably from the Kaikoku period (= opening of
the land) which followed the Sakoku period (= closing of the land). Sakoku, lasting more than 200
years, was the foreign relations policy of Japan under which no foreigner could enter nor could any
Japanese leave the country on penalty of death. In fact strict regulations were applied to commerce
and foreign relations. The policy stated that the only European influence permitted was the Dutch
factory at Dejima in Nagasaki.
939 [Low Countries - Brabant]
Le Duché de Brabant, qui comprend les quartiers de Louvain,
Brusselles, Anvers et Bos Le Duc (...) Par le Sr. Sanson
. Paris, H. Jaillot, 49,5 x 81 cm, printed on
2 joined sheets, old border col. (single stain in right margin). Very good copy.
940 [Low Countries - Brabant]
Partie méridionale du Duché de Brabant qui comprend les
quartiers de Louvain et Brusselles, la Seigneurie de Malines, et le Duché d’Arscot & partie
de l’Evesché de Liège. Par le Sr. Sanson
. Paris, H. Jaillot, 1692, 50 x 80 cm, printed on 2 joined
sheets (sl. browned, waterstain), old col. Good copy.
Fine map of the Duchy of Belgium Brabant with a figurative armorial cartouche and small scale of
miles. Boundaries outlined in hand colour. The map is fully and richly engraved. However the map
notes Nicolas Sanson as the mapmaker and claims that the map was published by Jaillot (1632-
1712), it is from the newly engraved Dutch counterfeited ed. of the “Atlas Nouveau”, published by
P. Mortier in Amsterdam.
: Table alphabétique des noms de villes villages, etc. qui sont sur la Carte de la Partie
méridionale du Duché de Brabant par le Sr. Sanson. 48,5 x 43 cm, old col. (2 pc.)
941 [Low Countries]
Carte des XVII Provinces des Pays Bas dressée d’après les memoires de
G. Freidag, Adr. Metie, C. Pynacker, H. le Sengre, B. Wicheringe et les meilleurs auteurs
. Chez Spanoghe, Imp. Libr. d’Anvers, c. 1785, 67 x 80 cm, printed on 4 joined sheets,
full col. (edges underlaid, some sm. marg. tears, expertly repaired). Good copy.
Very rare map of the Low Countries with large decorative cartouche with coats-of-arms.
942 [Low Countries]
Carte des XVII Provinces des Pays Bas Tiree de Plusieurs Cartes Faites sur
les Lieux par Corneille Pyncacker (...). Par C. Inselin
. Paris, B. Jaillot, 1713, 68 x 84 cm, printed
on 3 joined sheets, full col. (single tiny wormhole). Very good copy.
Nice big map of the Low Countries from Amiens, Charleville, Mézières (France) to Mainz, Bonn,
Oldenburg (Germany) and the North of the Netherlands. Impressive cartouche with coats-of-arms
of the provinces.
943 [Low Countries]
Les dix-sept Provinces des Pays-Bas, (...). Par le Sr. Sanson, géographe du
. Paris, H. Jaillot, 1689, 59,5 x 90,7 cm, printed on 2 joined lvs, orig. col. (some minor marg.
tears, some browning, edges underlaid). Good copy.
Nice cartouche with coats-of-arms of all provinces.
944 [Luxemburg]
+/- 60 gravures iconographiques
, XIXe s., auteurs et formats divers, non col. Bon
état général.
Lot iconographique et historique
composé de planches xylographiques concernant la
ville et le duché de Luxembourg et 3 concernant Trèves.
: Philippe de Bourgogne, 3 grav. représentant le duc de Bourgogne. - Reinaert De Vos, 2
xylogravures. (68 pcs)
945 [Luxemburg]
Carta generale de Paesi Bassi sesto folio che comprende il Ducato di
Luxemburgo e parte del vescovato di Liegi.
Roma, Zatta, presso la Calcografia Camerale, 1795,
35,5 x 49,5 cm (neat cuts near c’fold expertly repaired). Good copy with attractive cartouche. -
Ducatus Lutzenburgici tabula nuperrime in lucem edita per Fredericum DeWit
. Amst., c.
1690, 47 x 56,5 cm, b/w (sl. browned edges). 2nd state with “v” in upper right corner. -
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