8 gravures extr. des “Amusements des eaux de Spa”, c. 1750, +/- 14,5 x 12,5 cm, e.a. “Fontaine
de Geronstere”, “Vue de la place et de la fontaine de Pouhon”, “La prairie de quatre heures”,
etc. - Portique de la Fontaine du Pouhon, à Spa. Aquatinte, XIXe s., 22 x 30 cm. - 8 vues de Spa et
environs, XIXe s., lithogr. de Jobbard, J. Lotz, Manche, Stadler, etc., formats divers, e.a. “Source
de la Sauvenière”, “La salle de spectacle en salon de fleurs”, “Waux-Halle à Spa”, “Le Tonnelet”,
etc. - 2 vues de Spa, xylogravures, Brux., G. Muquardt, XIXe s., et Lacoste Jeune, XIXe s. - Vue de
Spa, gravure sur acier, A. Numans, XIXe s., 15,5 x 22 cm (rouss.).
914 [Belgium - Zoutleeuw]
Veuë de Leuve, place tres forte dans le Brabant
, située au milieu d’un
marais, attaquée et forcée de nuit par les François, en l’année 1678
= Prospectus Leuiae, urbs in
Brabantia munitissimae (...)
. Paris, F. Vander Meulen, 1678, 50,9 x 88 cm, printed on 2 joined
sheets (waterstain). Good copy.
Copperengr. showing the siege of the town of Zoutleeuw and the French cavalry advancing in the
direction of the city, by F. Ertinger, (1640-1710?) after F. van der Meulen (1632-1690) who was a
Flemish Baroque painter specializing in battle scenes. He was active 1st in Brussels and from the
1660s onwards in Paris.
Verbouwe, VII, no. 8.
915 [Brabant]
Carte du Brabant (...). Par Guillaume del’Isle
. Amsterdam, Covens & Mortier, c.
1700, 65,5 x 64 cm, printed on 2 joined sheets, some borderline col. and col. of the main places.
Good copy.
Map of Brabant with cart. in b/w.
916 [Canary Islands]
Insulae Canariae olim Fortunatae dictae
. Amsterdam, Janssonius, c. 1650,
42,7 x 53,5 cm, full col. (expertly rep.). Good copy.
Decorative easterly oriented sea chart with navigation lines of the Canary Islands and the island
of Madeira. With compass rose and 3 ships. Nice title cartouche with cherubs and vines. Left under
mileage scale with Poseidon and a mermaid.
Van de Krogt 8970.1.
917 [Egypt]
7 plates
, from Giovanni Battista Belzoni’s “Plates illustrative of the researches and
operations of G. Belzoni in Egypt and Nubia”, Murray, 1820, various sizes, printed on paper
watermarked “Whatman”, delicate colouring (some trimmed to border, some marg. waterstains &
sm. def., some minor clear foxing, 1 waterstain invading pl.). Good set.
Very attractive plates by G.B. Belzoni (1778-1823), one of the 1st and greatest archaeologists
of Egypt, lithographed by Charles Joseph Hullmandel (1789-1850) and published by J. Murray.
Present are “Temple of Dakke in Nubia”, “Bedouins camp”, “City of Bacchus on the Lake Moeris”,
“Overflowing of the Nile”, “The Temple at Erments”, “Temple on the road to Berenice on the Red
Sea” and “Exterior view of the two temples at Ybsambul”.
918 [Europe &Tartary]
Route d’Amsterdam à Moscow et de la à Ispahan et Gamron
. Amsterdam,
C. De Bruyn, 1718, 29,5 x 38,5 cm, nicely col. (2 wormtracks on top). Framed in a gilt wooden
frame (not unframed). Good copy.
French version of this attractive map of Europe, west of the Caspian sea. Key to symbols beneath
the title cartouche. With the tracks of Dutch artist De Bruyn’s travels: by sea from Amsterdam
to Archangel, then on via Moscow, Ispahan and Gamron. Cities, villages and caravanserays are
named in detail. The map was also published in Dutch.
Nieuwe kaart van Tartarie. Na de alderlaaste ontdekking int ligt gebragt
. Amst., I.Tirion,
c.1750, 28,5 x 35,5 cm, orig. full-col. (marg. waterstain in upper corners). Very good wide-margined
copy. Nice map of the Asian part of Russia. (2 pc.).
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