933 [Holy Roman Empire]
Ordines Sacri Romani Imp. ab Ottone III instituti = Die Ordnungen
u. Stände dess H.K. Reichs von Ottone III eingefest
. S.l., s.n., s.d., 50 x 58,5 cm, orig. col., blank
verso (some marg. spotting and foxing, 2 tiny holes, waterstains, sm. marg. tear rep.). Good copy.
Cfr. ill.
Only 1 sheet of an orig. copper engraving made on 2 plates. Highly decorative engraving, showing
the dignitaries of the Holy Roman Empire entitled to choose German Emperors. The Emperor, in
the middle, has on his right hand 3 ecclesiastical and on his left hand 4 lay dignitaries. The 2nd
rank shows 4 dukes and 4 marquesses, the 3rd rank 8 earls and the 4th rank 4 earls and 4 military
dignitaries, all with their coats-of-arms. This engr. is much like the well known engr. from Ortelius’
“Parergon”, but not quite the same. Here are 4 ranks, on the upper sheet of Ortelius’ engr. are 3
ranks. Although incomplete, very attractive plate.
934 [Hungary - mining]
Mappa metallographica celebris fodinae semnitziensis in Hungaria
Superiori (...)
. S.l., Luigi Ferdinando Marsili, c. 1700, 45,5 x 71,4 cm, b/w (marg. waterstains,
marg. tears rep., sl. splitt. c’fold rep., some tiny little holes). Good copy.
Rare engr. of the mining town of Banská Štiavnica (German: Schemnitz), published in the 1726 work
“Danubius Pannonico-Mysicus” by the Italian naturalist and soldier L. F. Marsigli (1658 - 1730)
(Wikipedia). Nice panoramic view of the mining town above and of the mineshafts with working
miners below. Remarquable windrose.
935 [Iceland]
Tabula Islandiae Auctore Georgio Carolo Flandro
. Amsterdam, Janssonius, c. 1638,
38 x 49,5 cm, orig. col. (some browing & marg. spotting, sm. marg. tears, tiny holes near c’fold).
Good copy.
Attractive map of Iceland with an elaborate title cartouche in lower left corner. Impressive map,
with an erupting volcano, sea monsters, a sailing ship, decorative cartouches and the spectacular
landscape of Iceland.
Van der Krogt 1250:1B.1.
936 [Italy]
6 historical engravings
, s.l., Jan van Huchtenburg, late 17th, early 18th c., all +/- 46 x
57 cm (sl. dusty, some sl. frayed edges, splitt. c’folds mostly rep., sm. chip of paper lacking in text
below 1 engr.). Good set.
Engravings by
Jan van Huchtenburgh
(Haarlem, le 20 novembre 1647 - Amsterdam, 1733), painter
of battles, published by Jean Dumont in “Batailles gagnées par le Prince Fr. Eugène de Savoye...”,
Den Haag 1725, showing battles and sieges of Coni in Piemont, Luzzara, Cassano, Chiari and
Turin from 1691 up to 1706.
: 7 engravings from the same work (same condition): Portrait of Eugene, prince of Savoye,
the battles of Mons or Malplaquet, Oudenarde, Zenta, Belgrade, Hochstedt & Peterwaradin from
1679 up to 1717. - Bourdeaux. Frankfurt, Caspar Merian, 1652, 25 x 69,5 cm, printed on 2 joined
sheets, (trimmed to side borders, some folds). Striking large bird’s-eye view of Bordeaux from across
the river, showing the fortified walls guarding the city, the main town within the walls and the
surrounding countryside. (14 pcs)
937 [Italy]
Carte d’Italie divisée en ses divers états. Avec les plans des principales villes. Par N.
. Paris, F. Delamarche & Ch. Dien, 1820, 61 x 93 cm,
printed on fine linen
, 84 x 96 cm, some
foxing. Good copy.
Interesting map of Italy engraved by Perrier and B. Tardieu, printed on linen and surrounded by 6
city maps of major Italian cities: Florence, Venice, Torino, Rome, Naples & Milan, each with key to
main monuments and with explanatory note below.
938 [Japan]
- [
], 19th c.?, 40,5 x 55cm, colourprint on japanese paper (folds). Very good copy.
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