Première vacation ~ Eerste sessie ~ First session
21 novembre ~ 21 november ~ 21 November
Oude tekeningen en gravures
Dessins et gravures anciens
1 [Aachen]
- [Relics preserved in the Treasure of the Aachen cathedral],
[1615?]. Engr. after Gerhardt Altzenbach [?], 36,5 x 27,2 cm. Used, tears rep., sm. lacks of paper at
the corners, etc.
€ 120/160
Very rare pilgrimage picture (?), divided in 29 numb. smaller scenes showing i.a. Charlemagne and
various relics, reliquaries, shrines... preserved in the Aachen Treasure. By the Cologne engraver
Thieme-Becker XVII, p. 406.
We join
: 2 woodcuts, 16th c., 1 col. (1 dam.). - Historical engr. plate, s.d., concerning Rudolph I of
Austria (from a book). - [Grave of an unidentified nobleman], s.d., engr. - [Biblical scenes], 18th c.,
4 German engr. - [Costumes of Jewish priests], 18th c., set of 6 pl. (dampst.) + 2 others. - 3 other pl.
(20 pl.)
2 ALDEGREVER, Heinrich, after
- Iohan van Leyden eyn coninck der wederdoper tho Munster
waerhaftich conterfeyting, 17th c. Copper engraving, c. 30,5 x 22,5 cm (cut short with loss of
engraver’s name at bottom). Very good copy.
Cfr. ill.
17th-c. copy by F. de Wit (1630-1706) of the famous 1536 engraving by H. Aldegrever (1501-
1555/1561). Portrait of the Anabaptists’ leader Johan van Leyden (1509-1536), holding a sceptre,
a book and a rolled-up sheet of paper. Collector’s stamp on verso.
New Hollstein 182, copy
(Heinrich Aldegrever).
3 [Architecture - militaria]
PERRET, Jacques
- Des fortifications et artifices, architecture et
perspective. Paris?, s.n., (1620), large folio, mod. quarter leather, sp. paper on sides, gilt titled spine
on 10 raised bands, [31 (of 33?)] ff. (marginal dampstaining, lacking printed (text) ff. B & C). Very
good copy.
Final ed. of Perret’s (1540?-1619?) book on military architecture, 1st publ. 1601, with a revised
dedication to the king dated July 1, 1620. Contains
1 engr. title
by Thomas de Leu, 9 (of 11) ff.
with annotations,
20 double-page engr. maps and designs
of buildings and armour (mostly by
De Leu), and 1 f. with the dedication ‘Au Roy’. É. d’Orgeix (
“The texts are incomplete. Only seven of the eleven annotations indicated from A to L (without the
letter J) exist and their alphabetical sequence does not correspond to the one in the first edition. The
iconography is just as incomplete with many gaps. The organization of the plates does not depend on
any editorial logic. Consulting various copies dated 1620 (the INHA library - Rare book collection
Jacques Doucet, Paris; BnF-Library of the Arsenal, Paris; the library of the Historical Society of
French Protestantism, Paris; Canadian Center of Architecture, Montreal) reveals great diversity in
the copies, none of which is organized in the same way as any other”.
The present copy has 9 of
the 11 annotations
! Old armorial bookpl. Lord Walpole of Woolterton.
BnF. Goldsmith (BL )
P-816. Not in Fowler.
4 [Architecture]
- Livre darchitecture contenant plusieurs beaux ornementz,
colonnes, frises, cornices, thermes, balustre et autres pieces (…) Curieusement recherche et pourtraict
sur les plus rares antiques tant de rome que de Cologne. Paris, J. Messager, 1622, sm. folio, cont.
limp vellum (stained), engr. title dated 1616, 18 (of 25) engravings (lacking 4 pp. with printed
comments and 7 pls: A, B, C, G, O, P, Q; paper age-toned, some soiling, fore-edge inkstained). Good
French repr. of the orig. German ed., publ. Cologne 1616 as “Seilen Bochg”, with 25 plates, c. 22 x
13,5 cm, numbered A-BB. Kasemann (1585-1664) claims to represent the “pedestaux, thermes, bases,
colomnes, chapiteaux, frises, cornices, balustres & autres pièces” of the various column orders, but
not systematically. The purpose of these works is to promote the dissemination of the Vitruvian
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,...432
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