1714), famous drawer and engraver, made here an artistic creation whereas the 1st print of the
Niagara Falls by Hennepin in 1697 was a book illustration.
28 LEFEBRE, Valentin
- [Landscape after Titziano Vecellio], s.d. Etching publ. Venice, J. Van
Campen, 34,5 x 45,5 cm (trimmed to the platemark); engr. names and monogr. of Titian. Sl. fox., sm.
lack of paper at upper right corner, some sm. marg. tears. Otherwise good impression.
Large landscape with a boy taking a horse to a river and another figure seated by the bank. By V.
Lefebre (Le Fevre, Le Febre, Lefebure, Lefèvre, Brussels 1637-1677), painter and etcher. From the
set “Opera Selectiora”?, etchings after Titian and Veronese.
29 [LIEVENS, Jan, attr. ]
- [Portrait of a young man], s.d. Pencil drawing heightened with black ink,
15,5 x 13 cm (on view); not signed. Framed under passe-partout (not unframed). Sm. unobtrusive
hole in upper right corner, old stain in lower right corner, sl. foxing.
Cfr. ill.
Nice head and shoulders portrait of a man turned to the left. Attr. to or in the style of Jan Lievens
(1607-1674), Dutch painter, usually associated with Rembrandt, working in a similar style.
30 [Marine]
LE GOUAZ, Yves-Marie
- Recueil des combats de Jean-Bart, chef d’escadre sous
Louis XIV, suivi de l’abrégé de sa vie. Paris, 1806, in-folio, en ff., cousu, (couv. manquante, page
de titre fort brunie, souillée, éraflures, mouill., pet. manque, rouss.), 19 gravures sur 10 ff. et 8 pp.
de texte in fine.
1er tirage
de ce rare recueil de 19 planches gravées par Y.-M. Le Gouaz (1742-1816) d’après les
dessins de Pierre Ozanne, membre de la famille de graveurs originaire de Brest, spécialisé en sujets
31 [Marine]
OZANNE, Jeanne-Francoise and Pierre.
- Livre IX. Diverses manoeuvres de barques
et batteaux. Paris, Vve F. Chereau, [c. 1780], 12 engravings, 12,5 x 9 cm. Some soiling. -
[Petits bateaux. Série D]. S.l., s.n., s.d., 7 engravings, 6 x 6 cm. Some soiling.
Interesting set of small engravings, part of the series of boats and ships, published in 12 parts, each
part consisting of 12 engravings and drawn by Jeanne-Francoise Ozanne (1735-1795) and Pierre
Ozanne (1737-1813), brother and sister from the well-known Ozanne-family of naval artists. The
prints all illustrate single ships.
: Oran e Marsaguiur. Antwerp, Peeters, c. 1690, 26,5 x 11,5 cm (some soiling). Bird’s eye
town view with sailing ships etched by G. Bouttats (1640-1695). - Den dubbelen Arent een Westindis
vaerder, de Parel een Oostingis vaerder. Danckerts, c. 1650, 23 x 13 cm (underlaid, trimmed to
border). T.-p. of “’t Nieuw Schip Boeck”.
32 MENGHINI, Niccolò
- [Venus andAdonis], s.d. Etching after Pietro Testa, 36,9 x 46,5 cm (trimmed
to platemark); engr. name and Italian dedication. Underlaid. Margins sl. fox., a few marg. defects.
Venus and Adonis resting after a hunting party, surrounded by a number of putti and dogs. Nice
scene by the Italian architect and sculptor N. Menghini (Rome 1610), probably a pupil and close
associate of Bernini.
33 [Mode]
- Coeffure à l’indiennne. Se trouve à Paris, chez Depain, coeffeur des dames
et auteur de cette coeffure, [fin XVIIIe s.]. Eau-forte rehaussée, vergé 23,2 x 15,3 cm (rognée à la
cuvette ou un peu plus); sign. gravée “D.P. Inv.” et privilège. Très fraîche.
Charmante gravure délicatement rehaussée, probablement extr. de l’album “Coëffures de dames”
comportant 12 ou 14 pl.
Cp. Colas 830 (12 pl.), Cohen 286 (14 pl.).
34 [Mode]
- Coeffure à la Thévenet. Se trouve à Paris, chez Depain, coeffeur des dames et
auteur de cette coeffure, [fin XVIIIe s.]. Eau-forte rehaussée, vergé 22,5 x 16 cm à vue; sign. gravée
“D.P. Inv.” et privilège. Sous passe-partout, verre et cadre doré (non désencadrée). Très fraîche.
Charmante gravure délicatement rehaussée, probablement extr. de l’album “Coëffures de dames”
comportant 12 ou 14 pl.
Cp. Colas 830 (12 pl.), Cohen 286 (14 pl.).
1...,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,...432
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