15 DELEU, Thomas
- Solitudo sive vitae foeminarum anachoritarum. -
- Oraculum anachoreticum.
[Paris], 1606, 2 vols, oblong 4to, mod. limp boards, paper strip on spines, engr. titles, 24, 24 numb.
pl., c. 14,5 x 19 cm, with Latin verses underneath (1. old pen foliation 110-134, 2. old pen foliation
85-109). Plates underlaid, a few stains. Good copies.
Two nice collections of female and male hermits in a landscape, by the French engraver of Flemish
origin Th. de Leu (1560-1612). Some names: Thais, Ivetta Leodiensis, Coleta, Boyletta, Dympna,
Maria Oigniacensis and Beatus, Leonardus, Wendelinus.
16 [De Vos, Maarten, after]
- Solitudo sive Vitae foeminarum
anachoritarum, 1688. Suite of 24 (of 25) tool engravings publ. by Jollain, +/- 14 x 20 cm (large
margins); engr. Latin captions and numbers. Formerly sewn (titlep. brown. with marg. sm. tears,
some marg. defects, some waterstains, etc.).
Title and 23 numb. pl. (of 24: lacking n. 21, supplied in xerox copy). Set of plates by J. and R.
Sadeler and A. Collaert after M. De Vos, reworked or re-edited by J. Honervogt c. 1654-1656; titlep.
and some pl. with the name of a member of the Jollain family, French engravers and publishers
active 17th and 18th c. J. Honervogt (1583?-1666?) was a French engraver, printer and print
dealer of German descent.
17 [De Vos, Maarten, after]
WIERIX, Johannes
- La parabole du festin nuptial, s.d. Suite de 2
burins publ. par Sadeler, +/- 22 x 26,5 cm (rognés à la cuvette); noms et légendes en latin. 2 taches
d’encre et 1 trou de ver sur 1 des pl., traces anciennes au verso.
D’une “suite de 6 (?) pl. dont 3 sont connues” (Mauquoy-Hendrickx): “Saint Paul prêchant” et
“Le châtiment de l’homme sans robe nuptiale”. Deux belles pl. très animées, peu courantes.
“Saint Paul prêchant” en double, sur un vergé différent, un peu plus rogné et bruni.
Hendrickx 279, 280. Inconnu à Alvin.
Wierix, Hieronymus
- Lucrèce se donnant la mort, s.d. Burin d’après M. De Vos publ. par
Ph. Galle, 14,5 x 9,5 cm (rogné avec texte gravé manquant). Joli tirage.
MH 1647. Alvin 1455. -
Cum puero Ismaële
(...), s.d. Gravure, 20 x 25,5 cm. Extr. de “Thesaurus sacrarum historiarum
(...)” publ. par G. De Jode. (5 pcs)
18 DEMARTEAU, Gilles-Antoine
- Sainte Thérèse, 1786. -
- St Jean de la Croix, 1788. Deux
gravures en manière de crayon d’après Taillasson, publ. à Paris par Demarteau, +/- 54 x 42 cm à vue;
en noir et rose, noms, titres & dates gravés. Sous passe-partout, verres et cadres (non désencadrées).
Qqs déchirures, notamment aux cuvettes, qqs bruniss. & mouill. touchant davantage Ste Thérèse.
Par G.-A. Demarteau (Liège 1750-Paris 1802), graveur en manière de crayon, éditeur, neveu
de Gilles Demarteau l’aîné, d’après le peintre néo-classique Jean-Joseph Taillasson (Bordeaux
1745-Paris 1809).
19 DEUCHAR, David
- A collection of etchings ater the most eminent masters of the Dutch and
Flemish schools. Particularly Rembrandt, Ostade, Cornelius, Bega, and Van Vliet. Accompagnied
with sundry miscellaneous pieces and a few original designs by
David Deuchar
, seal engraver,
Edinburgh. S.l., s.n., s.d., large 4to, 35,5 x 26 cm, 19th c. half red leather, gilt lettered flat spine
(rubbed, discol., head defect.), 130 ff. Inside good copy.
Later impression (1st 1803) on Japan paper of a selection of
222 etchings (some aquatints) incl.
(num. 1-127 + 95 unnumb. or with erratic numb., e.g. front. = n. 166, etc.). Various sizes,
most pl. showing 2 or 3 engr., often signed or monogr. by Deuchar. The plates reproduce paintings
and drawings showing genre scenes or portraits, most by 17th c. Dutch artists (num. pcs after Van
Ostade) as mentionned on the titlep., with also A. Brouwer, G.B. Castiglione, Della Bella, Berchem
(?), some by Deuchar himself. Deuchar (1743-1818) was a goldsmith, seal engraver and an amateur
etcher; the last engr. vignette in our copy is a “visiting card” (“David Deuchar Lapidary Edinburgh
cuts and sels al sort of fine stones (...)”). Bookplate R.J.M.G. van Hasselt.
1...,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,...432
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