column orders among the general public (stonemasons, bricklayers, sculptors, cabinetmakers etc.).
Not in Cat. Berlin, Cicognara, Fowler.
Jombert, Charles-Antoine
- Méthode pour apprendre le dessin où l’on donne les regles
générales de ce grand art, des préceptes pour en aquérir la connoissance (…) Enrichi de cent
planches. Paris, A. Jombert, 1784, 4to, cont. sheep (loosening, rubbed), gilt spine on 5 raised
bands, red edges, marbled endpapers, vij-[1]-159-[1] pp. (some traces of use). Good copy. Textbook
of drawing by the French artist Jombert (1712-1784). Contains
1 folding plate
97 (of 100)
with models (lacking pls 50, 51, 99). Printed within ruled border. (2 vol.)
5 BEHAM, Hans Sebald
- [Judith and Holofernes], 1547. Tool engr., 7,3 x 4,6 cm (trimmed to the
picture, a little more at upper part); engr. monogr. and date, caption “Holoferni capvt dominvs (...)”
at upper part. Pasted by upper margin. Sm. tear without lack of paper and very light scratch to the
upper part. Good impression.
Judith with the head of Holofernes, seated in front of an arched window, the head in three-quarter
profile to left and looking down at the head, the sword in her left hand. Copy after a engr. by B.
Beham. Small blue stamp “W.D.” on verso i.e. W.E. Drugulin, art dealer at Leipzig (Lugt 2612).
Bartsch VIII, p. 69, 12.
6 [Bible prints]
MERIAN, Matthaeus
- Icones Biblicae, praecipuas sacrae Scripturae historias (…)
representantes = Biblische Figuren (…) = Figures de la Bible (...) = Bybel Printen (…) = Figgers [!]
of the Bible (…) [= Pt. 1-2] [and] Novi Testamenti D.N. Iesu Christi (…) = Das Newen Testaments
(...) [= Pt. 3]. Amsterdam, C. Danckertsz, 1648, 4to oblong, cont. overl. vellum, flat spine (lacking
in Pt. 1-2 initial engr. and typographic title, pp. 1-8, 13-14, 39-40, 65-68, 187-190, in Pt. 3 pp. 41-
42, 59-60; paper age-toned, traces of use, some tears, edges frayed or strengthened etc.). Acceptable
copy (sold w.a.f.).
225 (of 233) engravings
and 2 (of 3) engr. titles. The rare 1st Dutch pirated repr. of the
famous quadrilingual “Icones Biblicae” (1st Frankfurt 1625-1627) of M. Merian (1593-1650).
With additional Dutch verses by the young Reyer Anslo (1622-1669).
Poortman II:60-66 nr.
30.1. STCN (i.a. BL). VD-17 39:118266T. Cp. ESTC R226018 = Wing I-31A (1659 re-issue).
7 [Bible prints]
Set of 6 woodcuts
, [Basel, 1514?], +/- 9,5 x 6,5 cm, orig. col. Framed 3 by 3 in 2
green and gold wooden frames (sl. rubbed, not unframed). Good copies.
6 scenes of Christ’s life: Circumcision, Preaching in the temple, Changing of water into wine,
Miraculous fish catch, Calling of the apostles and Feeding a poor (?).
8 [Book of Hours]
16 ff. from printed Books of Hours
, 16th c. Vellum and paper. Under passe-
partout (1 margin def.). Generally in very good condition.
Cfr. ill.
7 vellum ff
. (= 14 pp.), Paris?, c. 1500, from a 4to ed., Latin, grisaille, old coloured small initials. -
3 paper ff.
(= 6 pp.), France, early 16th c., from a 4to ed., Latin, rubricated, old coloured border
ills. -
6 paper ff.
(= 12 pp.), Paris, early 16th c., from an 8vo ed., Latin, printed in red and black,
nice old coloured border ills (Saints, biblical scenes).
9 [Callot, Jacques, after]
SCHENK, Leonard
- De Droeve Ellendigheden van den Oorlooch. Seer
aerdigh en kostight afgebeeldt (...) en in druck uÿtgegeven door Gerret van Schagen. Leon: Schenk
excudit. [Amsterdam, L. Schenk], s.d., obl. 12mo, 19th c. quarter sheep (rubbed, corners bumped),
blind orn. flat spine (used), 18 pl. (waterstain on title, sl. brown., front flyleaf loose).
Complete set in later impression (on vellum paper, end 18th or beginning 19th c.?). With the French
verses of abbé de Marolles below the images, all plates numbered lower right and most with the
engraver’s mark of Israel in the lower margin. Dutch version of “Les grandes misères de la guerre”,
1633, one of Callot’s masterpieces.
STCN (i.a. BL London).
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,...432
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