10 CALLOT, Jacques
- Le grand Ecce Homo, 1613. Burin, 30,4 x 23,7 cm (rogné dans le motif);
légende gravée en latin. Passe-partout. Plis d’impression, plus. défauts marg., notamment au coin
sup. g., grossièrement restauré, traces de montage ancien au verso.
Etat avec le privilège et le petit cartouche armorié central dans la partie inf., épreuve sans la sign.
ni la dédic. gravée (4e ou 5e état?, sur 5).
Lieure 77 (selon une note).
11 CHALON, Christina & Jan
- 57 engravings, 2nd half 18th c. (or later imprints?).
(Amsterdam 1748-Leiden 1808), from a family of painters, engravers and musicians - 29
pcs, various papers & sizes, 7 pasted by corners on 2 ff., the others printed on 13 ff. Includes a suite
of 24 engr. by Pieter de Mare (1758-1796) after Christina Chalon, numb. 1/2/3, 4/5, 7/8, 9/10, 13,
16/17, 18/19, 21, 29, 30, 31, 33 & 34, with numb. 33 & 34 in 3 states (1st state, etching with the
name of Christina, 2nd state, etching and tool engr., 3rd state, id., with the name of P. de Mare). Nice
set in the style of Van Ostade, representing popular types, women and babies, family scenes, interior
scenes, children, a little school...
(Amsterdam 1749-London 1795), brother of Christina - 28
pcs, various sizes, 2 under passe-partout, the others pasted by corners on 5 ff. Three family scenes,
the others consisting in studies of heads in the style of Rembrandt.
~ “Grandes armoiries” of Charles the Bold, c. 1468. ~
12 [Charles the Bold ]
- [“
Grandes armoiries
”], [Bruges, c. 1468]. Engraving on paper, c. 33,5 x 20
cm (stained, edges frayed, a few sm. holes mostly in blank parts of engr.). In good condition, but in
need of cleaning.
Cfr. ill.
Extr. rare
early engraving (2nd recorded copy?) showing the “grandes armoiries” of Charles the
Bold (1433-1477), Duke of Burgundy, with his device “IE LAY EMPRINS” in gothic letters, by
Master W.A., in a decor of flamboyant gothic style, with, on pillars, the statues of St Andrew and
St George, patron saints of the Order of the Golden Fleece and of the House of Burgundy. With the
arms of 12 counties and of the 5 Burgundian duchies. The engraving by Master “W.A.”, who was
active at Bruges and at the Burgundian Court in the years 1465-1485, was made as a souvenir of the
wedding festivities of Charles de Bold and Margaret of York at Bruges in 1468. Some contemporary
writing (gothic letter) on the reverse, some scribbling in the blank margins.
Catalogue “Karel
de Stoute 1433-1477” (KBR) nr. 80 & Pl. 47 (“unicum”). J. van der Stock (Early prints, KBR) 331.
13 [DE BRY, Theodor]
- Eine Portugalische Armada/ von dem Türcken erlegt. - Heyrath und
Hochzeitliche Solennitet deren in der Statt Bantam. Frankfurt, 1593, old col. and goldheightened
copper engravings, 13,7 x 17,5 cm (staining not touching the engrs). Good copies.
From De Bry’s “Ostindische Reisen”.
We join
: Balthasar Moretus, engr. by Corn. Galle, s.d., 26,5 x 17cm (foxing margins no aff. engr.).
Nice portrait engr. - Fox Hunting, going into cover, by Clark after H. Alken, London, T. Mc Lean,
1820, 22 x 31 cm. Very fine aquatint, hand col. - Oost-Indische Vruchten, Amst., Fresling & Co,
[1881], 23 x 15 cm. - Milton, lithograph by Ch. Billoin, printed in de “Etabliss. lith. de P. Degobert,
rue de Berlaimont 30” on chine collé, 45,5 x 37 cm (some minor spots on text, marg. waterstain). -
Les modes de la saison, London, Mme Schild; Brux., J. Rosez, 1873, 25,5 x 35 cm, finely orig. col.
fashion woodengr. - 4 plates of animals, various techniques, showing “Macaws”, a “Toucan”, “Pic
Epeiche” and St Bernard dogs. Very good to exc. copies. (11 pcs)
14 DE JONGHE, Clement
- The Gipsy, s.d. Tool engraving after C. Visscher, 37,4 x 31,7 cm; in top
right “C. de Visscher fecit”, in lower right corner “Clemendt de Ionghe exc.”, 1-line caption in Latin
below “Spondeo divitius pauper,... verba dedissi”. Mounted on passe-partout, under glass and frame
(not unframed). Tiny tear in left lower corner rep.
Nice engraving showing a gipsy feeding her baby, with 2 children next to her, 1 weeping. In the
background a landscape with 3 men and nearer by a dog.
1...,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,...432
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