1530 [Netherlands]
- Batavische Arcadia, waer in: Onder ‘t Loof-werck
van Liefkooserye, gehandelt werdt, van den oorspronck van ‘t Oudt Batavien, vryheydt der voorige
en volgende Bataviers, vrye zee, zee-vonden, vinders van verborgen schatten (...). Amsterdam,
Adriaan Wor, Erven G. Onder de Linden, 1729, 8vo, cont. vellum, flat ink titled spine, [24]-679-
[79] pp. (some dampstains in the upper corners). Good copy.
Later ed. (4th?) of the famous hybrid history-novel of the lawyer and poet Van Heemskerk (1597-
1656), 1st published in 1647. It is a galant, romantic story, interspersed with poetry and learned
historical essays (footnotes!) and topographical details.
Engr. illustr.
: frontisp., title vign. and coat-
of-armes by A.V. Laan &
5 fold. pl.
depicting a witch and a
view of Batavia
. Bookpl. Buijnsters-
Smets. Ms. ownership entry “Buisman”.
STCN (2). BN Paris (4). Cp. BL London.
1531 [Newspapers - Antwerp]
Seventeen issues of Antwerp newspapers
, 1702-1807. In good
condition (folds, usual soiling).
Antwerpsche dijnsdaeghsche post-tijdinge. Antwerp, H. Aertssens, 1702-1718, present: (1702)
81, (1708) 88, (1709) 64, (1712) 51, (1713) 44 & 103, (1718) 22.
Gazette van Antwerpen, (1784-
1791 by J.H. van Soest), 8 issues: (1731) 55, (1732) 9 & 69, (1783) 56, (1784) 76, (1788) 63, (1791)
90 & 91.
Wekelyks boere nieuws-blad. Antwerp, Spanoghe, (1792) 3.
Gazette. Het Antwerpsch
nieuws-blad, (1807) 80.
1532 [Newspapers - Low Countries]
Collection of 33 issues of newspapers
, (1651), 1702-1817, from
Ghent, Bruges, Brussels and elsewhere. Various sizes. In good condition (folds, usual soiling).
1. Ghent
Wekelijksche Gendsche spie, [1791], 1, 4, 10, 11.
Bibl. gant. 11992.
aux Pays-Bas. Ghent [etc.], Le Maire [etc.] nr. 1 (?).
Letter- en staatkundig dagblad. G. de
Busscher, (1820) 6.
Bibl. gant. 8686.
Allemans gerief. J. Boffyn, nr. 1 [19th c.].
2. Bruges
Gazette van Brugge en van ’t Departement der Leye. J. Bogaert, (1809), nos 96, 97, 103, 109, 111,
115, 116, 120, 121, 122 + Byvoegschel (13 Oct. 1809).
3. Brussels
Relations veritables. (1651)
27, (1724) 1 Sept.
Gazette des Pays-Bas. (1790) 61.
Le postillon. “Imprimerie des Armées”.
(1796) 1.
Den onpartydigen Brusselaer, A. de Braeckenier, (1797) 66, 74, 132.
Alia: Gazette
du 14 may 1702; Gazette de Cologne (1745) 26; Courrier de l’Europe (1785) vol. 17 nr. 26; Le
courier de l’Escaut (1787) 69, (1788) 77; Le courier belgique (1790) 91; De vrolyke burgervriend,
Amsterdam, J. de Vogel, (1816) 19 Sep., (1817) 11 Jan., 15 March.
1533 [Numismatics]
KHEVENHÜLLER, Franciscus Antonius, Count
- Regum veterum numismata
anecdota, aut perrara notis illustrata. Wien, J. Th. Trattner, 1753, 4to, cont. mottled sheep (sl. rubbed,
head and 1 corner def.), richly gilt spine on 3 raised bands, red edges, green silk marker, [8]-182-[4]
pp. (paper age-toned). Very good copy.
Treatise on Persian, Illyrian, Macedonian, and Mauretanian coins. Khevenhüller was a pupil of
Erasmus Frölich (1700-1758), curator of the Granelli collection, teacher and librarian at the
Theresianum, who, according to Lipsius, may even be the author. “Opera apparamente giovanile …
ma … poi profonda” (Cicognara). 3 folding engravings. Engr. tailpc.
Cicognara 2898. Lipsius
209; DBS III c 1021-22 nr. 12. Not in VD-18.
1534 [Order of Malta]
VERTOT, René Aubert de
- Histoire des chevaliers hospitaliers de S. Jean
de Jérusalem, appellés depuis chevaliers de Rhodes, et aujourd’hui chevaliers de Malthe. Dernière
édition, revue, corrigée & augmentée. Amsterdam, par la Compagnie, 1766, 5 vol., in-12, veau
marbré de l’époque (coins lég. frottés), dos ornés dorés à 5 nerfs (qqs coiffes lég. défect.), tr. rouges,
[12]-576, [2]-468, [2]-528, 506, [2]-477 pp. Bon ex.
Nouvelle édit. (1ère en 1726) de cet ouvrage qui connut un grand succès.
STCN. Cp. Conlon
1...,377,378,379,380,381,382,383,384,385,386 388,389,390,391,392,393,394,395,396,397,...432
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