1501 LA FONTAINE, Jean de
- Fables choisies (...) traduites en vers latins, et autres pièces de poésies
latines et françoise = Fabulae selectae e gallico (...) Latine redditae. Antwerp, M. Bonnefoy, 1738,
12mo, cont. sheep (rubbed, head def.), gilt spine on 5 raised bands, red edges, [20]-288 pp. (paper
age-toned, some minor spotting, burning hole in ê1r touching a few letters). Good copy.
Fake Antwerp imprint (perhaps a Rouen printing) of the Latin verse trsls by the Oratorians Vinot,
Tissart (and others) of selected fables of La Fontaine and related French poetry. Latin and French
texts on facing pages. Blind collector’s stamp.
Conlon 38:528. BnF (1). Cp. Landwehr F-130
(1761 ed.!). Not in STCV, Anet, BL.
1502 LA FONTAINE, Jean de
- Fables choisies, mises en vers avec la vie d’Esope. Nouvelle édition,
augmentée de petites notes pour en faciliter l’intelligence. Paris, par la Compagnie des libraires,
1737, in-12, veau de l’époque (coins lég. émoussés), dos orné doré à 5 nerfs, [16]-506-[14]. Bon
Réimpression ill. d’un
frontisp. gravé
représentant de nombreux animaux.
- Les fables de Phedre, affranchi d'Auguste, traduites en françois (...). Paris, N.-P.
Armand, s.d. [18e s.], in-12, veau de l'époque (coins lég. émoussés et frottés), dos orné doré à 5
nerfs (mors inf. défect.), étiq. de cuir rouge, tr. rouges, [24]-467 pp. (qqs rouss.). Texte en Latin et
traduction en français. Ex dono à M. Merault, ment. d’appart. ms. (2 vol.)
1503 [Law - Brabant]
WYNANTS, Goswinus Arnoldus de
- Supremae curiae Brabantiae decisiones
recentiores. Brussels, Foppens, 1744, folio, cont. polished mottled calf (some stains, corners
rounded), gilt orn. spine on 6 raised bands, red edges, viii-[24]-532-[24] pp. (minor spotting). Nice
1st edition
of the main work of the Brabant lawyer Wynants (1661-1732).
Engr. ills
: frontisp.
author’s portrait by
F. Pilsen
after Sauvage, title-vign. & headpiece. Title printed in red & black.
Bookplate Philippe van Heurck.
Dekkers, p. 196 n. 4. Roberts, p. 341. Opac KBR.
1504 [Law - dictionary]
BOEY, Thymon
- Woorden-tolk of Verklaring der voornaamste onduitsche
en andere woorden, in de hedendaagsche en aalöude [!] rechtspleginge voorkoomende, mitsgaders
Korte schets van den oorspronk en het departement der Hoven van Justitie en andere voornaame
staats-collegien. Eerste (- tweede) deel. The Hague, J. Gailliard, 1773, 4to, cont. mottled sheep
(rubbed, front joint splitting, head def.), gilt spine on 5 raised bands, [4]-6-827-[1] pp. (some minor
soiling, tear in bottom margin of title). Good copy.
Early Dutch legal dictionary by Th. Boey (1721-1798), secretary of the Court of Holland. General
title in red and black. Printed in 2 cols. Armorial bookpl. Th. de Jonghe.
Dekkers 19:4. STCN.
Not in BL.
1505 [Law - Germany]
Four smaller publications on international law, peace, ambassadors
and the
like, 1702-1745.
1. Dissertatio juris gentium publici de guarantia pacis
(...) praeside Dn. Henrico Coccejo (...)
autor et respondens Daniel de Stephani (...) ad diem IV. Februar. (...). Frankfurt (Oder), [s.n.],
1702, 4to, disbound, [6]-34 pp. (paper age-toned). Good copy.
2. De iuribus et iudice competente
, vom Recht und eigentlichem Richter der Abgesandten, dissertatio iuris gentium et
publici universalis quam auspiciis Io. Laurentii Fleischeri (...) submittit (...) III. Novembris M DCC
XXIV. Nicolaus Ludovicus de Scharden [2nd ed.]. Halle (S.), J.F. Grunert, 1745, 4to, as issued,
[2]-69-[1] pp. Good copy, uncut and unopened (some soiling).
3. Modrevius, Constantinus
- De
conturbata ratione successionis ab intestato apud Germanos, imprimis quoad principatus et alia
feuda imperii, brevis expositio. Qua simul praetensiones Hispaniarum regis in terras Austriacas
convelluntur (...). Nancy, Bassett, 1741, 4to, in quires, 24 pp. (paper age-toned). Good copy.
Vita viri perillustris ac jcti summi Henrici de Cocceji
(...). Quedlinburg & Aschersleben, G.E.
Struntz, 1721, 4to, later boards, [8]-95-[1] pp. (paper age-toned, somewhat dampstained). Good
copy. Biography and bibliography of the law professor Heinrich von Cocceji (1644-1719), active at
Heidelberg, Utrecht and Frankfurt (Oder). Engr. front. portrait. Title in red & black.
1...,371,372,373,374,375,376,377,378,379,380 382,383,384,385,386,387,388,389,390,391,...432
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