1524 [Missal]
Missale romanum ex decreto sacro-sancti concilii tridentini restitutum
, Pii V.
Pont. Max. Jussu editum et Clementis VIII. primum, nunc denuo Urbani Papae Octavi auctoritate
recognitum. Lyon, F. Barbier, 1716, 4to, cont. calf (rubbed, corners bumped), spine on 6 raised
bands (rubbed, some worming, sm. def. at 2nd band), [40]-596-civ-[8] pp. (some staining mostly
marginal, several pp. underlaid or repaired, traces of use).
With historiated woodcut initials, title vign. and 7 full page engr. Printed in red and black
throughout, within filet border and printed music. Contains 16 4to leaves of “Missae propriae
sanctorum, quorum officia continentur in supplemento dioecesis Camberiensis” pasted on inside
lower cover (stained, last pp. underlaid). Ribbons and pagemarkers in cloth. Ms. ownership entry
and notes on flyleaf “La chapelle de St. Germain”, etc.
1525 MONTESQUIEU, Charles de Secondat de
- Il tempio di Gnido [trsl. from the French] Carlo
Vespasiano. Paris, Prault, 1767, 12mo, cont. wr. (rubbed, sm. def.), [2]-45-[3]-147-[9] pp. Good
uncut copy.
1st Italian ed.
Bilingual ed. (French-Italian). Engr. title.
1526 [Music theatre - Wien]
Répertoire des théâtres de la ville de Vienne
depuis l’année 1752.
jusqu’à l’année 1757. Wien, J. L. von Ghelen, 1757, 12mo, cont. calf (sl. rubbed), gilt flat spine, sp.
edges, marbled edges, [59] ff. Very good copy.
Rare and important survey of theatres and operas in Wien, with description of their decoration, and
their programmes for the years 1752-1757. Old collector’s stamp.
Cat. Soleinne Suppl. 347.
BnF (1). Not in BL, VD-18.
1527 [Neolatin poetry]
ZACCO, Giuseppe, S.J.
- Elegiae octo sanctissimae Deigenitricis octo
praecipua festa concinentes ipsimet Virgini Mariae sine labe conceptae dicatae. Viterbo, G.
Poggiarelli, 1780, 8vo, cont. decorated boards (sl. rubbed at edges), 34 pp. Very good copy on
somewhat coarse paper.
Extr. rare
only ed.
of this suite of 8 elegies in praise of the Holy Virgin, including a paraphrase of
the Magnificat. The Sicilian Jesuit Giuseppe Zacco (1716 - after 1780) was a teacher in his native
Modica. Collector’s stamp. Libr. stamps.
DBS VIII:1435 nr. 1. Not in Bibl. Mariana Lovan.,
BL, BnF, Oberlé.
1528 [Netherlands]
- Histoire des Provinces-Unies des Pays Bas (...). Avec les
principales medailles et leur explication (...). Amsterdam, Chatelain, 1728, 2 parts of 4 in 1 vol.,
folio, cont. calf (some scratches), spine on 7 raised bands (upper front joint starting to split, head
restored), leather title label, [22]-342, [6]-419-[20] pp. (some minor browning). Good copy.
Part 1 & 2 only
of this historical work on the United Provinces of the Netherlands bythe Swiss
theologian and biblical scholar Jean Le Clerc (1657-1736). He settled in Amsterdam in 1684 and
became professor of philosophy, literature and Hebrew in the Remonstrant seminary.
Engr. ills:
allegorical frontisp. by B. Picart (I), I. v. Munnichuysen after G. de Laresse (II), 2 title-vign. by B.
Picart, 2 headpieces by J. Schynvoet, coat-of-arms of the dedicatee Jean Henri, count of Wassenar,
double-page folding map
large folding pl.
by D. Marot titled “La grande sale d’audience de La
Haye”. Title and part-titles printed in red & black.
Conlon 23:421. Cumont 1218-1219. STCN
(i.a. 1 BL). Haitsma Mulier/Vander Lem 110 l.
1529 [Netherlands]
RICHER, Adrien
- Vie de Michel de Ruiter, lieutenant-amiral-général de
Hollande et de West-Frise. Paris, Belin, 1783, 2 parts in 1 vol., 12mo, cont. calf (rubbed), spine on
5 raised bands (sl. rubbed), [4]-xviii-208, [4]-258-[2 bl.] pp. (tear in endpaper and p. 147 (II), minor
spotting). Good copy.
1st ed.
of this biography of admiral M. de Ruyter (1607-1676).
Engr. frontisp.-portrait
Armorial bookpl. Ownership entry on endpaper erased.
Conlon 83:1657. Bn-Opale plus. BL
1...,376,377,378,379,380,381,382,383,384,385 387,388,389,390,391,392,393,394,395,396,...432
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