1495 [Italy - Ferrara imprint]
- Comentario istorico-erudito all’inscrizione
eretta nel Almo studio di Ferrara l’anno M.DCCIV. In Memoria del famosoAntonio Musa Brasavoli
Ferrarese già vivente nel secolo XVI. Ferrara, Pomatelli, 1704, 4to, cont. limp vellum (sm. spots),
spine on 4 raised bands, titled edge, [16]-264 pp. (lower margins of Q3-4 spotting, front. lacking?).
Good copy.
1st ed.
of this historical work on the Brasavoli family by the Italian priest Baruffaldi (1675-1755).
in text: coat-of-arms of the dedicatee Giuseppe Sacripante, 1 full-page pl. depicting 5
arms, coat-of-arms of Hieron. Gebuileri Hagnoensis and the Brasavoli family (repeated several
times). 1 folding genealogical table. Mark on title. Ownership entry “Fran(cis)co Anto(nio)
Pagliavini”. Armorial stamp on title.
Opac SBN. COPAC. Not in BnF.
1496 [Jansenism - Mechelen]
Kort verhael wegens de teekeninge der Bul Unigenitus gedaen door
den Eerw. Pastoor van S. Jans, en twee andere Priesters van het Oratorie binnen Mechelen
den 19. November 1726.
Met eenige bemerkingen. [Mechelen?, s.n., c. 1726], 4to, loose in mod.
boards, 27-[1] pp. (worming in blank bottom margin). Good uncut copy.
Extr. rare pamphlet on Jansenist priests in Mechelen. On p. [28] “libelle scandaleuse”. Mod.
bookpl. W.L. Braekman.
STCV (1: inc., only 16 pp.). Not in Opac KBR, Willaert.
1497 [Jansenism/Jesuits - Louvain imprint]
[SERRY, Jacques-Hyacinthe, O.P.]
- L’histoire des
congregations de auxiliis, justifiée contre l’auteur des Questions importantes &c. Louvain, H.
Nempaeus, 1702, 8vo, cont. gilt sheep (somewhat worn), sp. edges, xvi-522-[14] pp. (paper age-
toned). Good copy.
One of the numerous polemical works on predestination and Jansenism. In the years 1597-1607
a “Congregatio de Auxilius”, a study group under papal control, reflected on the 1588 theses of
the Jesuit Luis de Molina. The discussion lasted over a century and was mingled with the rise of
Jansenism. Serry, a Dominican theologian at Padua, here attacks the French Jesuit B. Germon and
his “Questions”.
Willaert 6844. STCN (1).
1498 [Jesuits]
- Breve tot vernietinge van de tot hier toe genoemde Societeyt Jesu
[trsl. from the Latin] Ghent, J. Meyer & J. Begyn, 1773, 4to, sewn, 12 pp. (fold, last p. soiled). Good
uncut copy.
Rare Ghent ed. of the papal Breve on the dissolution of the Jesuit Order. Printed in 2 cols. Cont.
reader’s marks.
Bibl. gant. 5141. Not in STCV (has a Brussels ed.).
1499 [Jesuits]
FREY de NEUVILLE, Pierre-Claude
- Observations sur I’institut de la
Société des Jésuites. Avignon, 1761, 108 pp. [bound with]
Lettre d’un évêque à un de ses
, assemblés à Paris par ordre du Roi, pour donner leur avis à S.M. sur quatre points
concernants l’affaire des Jésuites. [France?, s.n., 1762?], 48 pp. [and]
Avis des évêques
de France sur I’utilité, la doctrine, la conduite & Ie régime des Jésuites de France
[France?, s.n., 1762], 48 pp., 3 works in 1 vol., 12mo, cont. mottled sheep (rubbed), gilt
spine on 5 raised bands, red edges, decorative endpapers (some spotting and soiling, top margin of
1st ff. frayed, tear in fore-edge margin B7). Good copy.
3 polemical texts on the Jesuits and the French government. The 1st work is attributed to Pierre-
Claude (1692-1773) and to his brother Charles (1693-1774).
Conlon 61:685. DBS V c. 1692
nr. 2.
1500 [La Flèche imprint]
- Latinae grammatices epitome (…) In
tenerioris gratiam pueritiae latinis literis initiandae. La Flèche, J. Laboé, 1711, 8vo, 19th-c. half
leather (rubbed), gilt spine on 4 raised bands, marbled endpapers, 480 pp. Copy cut very short
shaving headlines.
Apparently unrecorded (?) later ed. of the epitome of the Latin grammar by the Louvain humanist
Despauterius (1460-1520). Woodcut ornament on title. Old ownership entries on title. Libr. stamps.
Not in B. B., BL, BnF, Libis, Opac KBR.
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