Deuxième vacation ~ Tweede sessie ~ Second session
22 novembre ~ 22 november ~ 22 November
881 [America - New York]
MILBERT, Jacques Gérard, by or after
- [View of New York taken
from Weehawken], 1st half 19th c. Oil painting on canvas, 32 x 40 cm; not signed. Framed. Upper
corners sl. rubbed, a few small unobtrusive holes, some light cracks.
Cfr. ill.
Nice animated view of Weehawken; this site offered to the New Yorkers a pastoral retreat and was
a popular picnic area. Based on a sketch by or a lithograph after the French naturalist and artist
J.G. Milbert
(1766-1840); he studied art with the landscape painter Pierre-Henri Valenciennes,
taught drawing at the School of Mines and in 1800 went on the Baudin expedition to Australia. After
coming to America in 1815, he stayed for 8 years, living in New York City and travelling extensively,
especially in upstate New York. On October 1823, he returned to Paris and published 3 lithographic
albums of picturesque sites he visited during his stay and travels. Although with some differences
(a cow in the field in the left part of the lithogr., boats somewhat different...),
our view is plate n. 1
of “Itinéraire pittoresque du fleuve Hudson”, his major work, published in 13 installments, Paris,
Gaugain, 1828-1829. The original sketches for this album were apparently not preserved (except
for one conservated in the New York State Library of Albany) nor any original painting by Milbert.
Was our painting inspired by the lithogr. or is it the opposite?
Philip J. Weimerskirch, “Two
great illustrated books about the Hudson River” in Caroline Mastin Welsh, Adirondack Prints and
Printmakers: the Call of the Wild, Syracuse University Press, 1998, p. 25-44.
882 [America]
7 maps
, Amsterdam, Jacob van Meurs, 1671, +/- 29 x 35 cm, b/w (some soiling,
browning, staining, some minor splitt. c’folds). Good set.
Set maps from A. Montanus’ “De nieuwe en onbekende Weereld”, edited by van Meurs. With nice
cartouches showing native people, exotic animals etc.: Virginiae partis australis et Floridae (...). -
Nova Hispania nova Galicia Guatimala. - Yucatan (...) Guatimala. - Guiana sive Amazonum regio. -
Peru. - Villa d’Olinda de Pernambuco. City map and panoramic view of this Bresilian town. - Arx
Principi Guiljelmi. Impressive view of the Dutch Fort William with its central church and strong
palisades. Olinda is located on a hill in the background. Ribbon style cartouche in sky.
883 [Argentina]
Plano de los Ferro-Carriles 1902
. Buenos Aires, Monquant & Vasquez Millan,
(1902?), bound in cloth covers, c. 91,5 x 69 cm, front cover gilt titled, marbled endpapers. Very
good copy, underlaid with cloth (minor traces of use).
Publisher’s stamp.
884 [Asia - Sri Lanka]
La ville Colombo sur le Grand Isle de Ceylon
, Augsburg, Collection des
Prospects, “gravé par Bergmüller”, c. 1750, optical print, 26 x 40, nicely framed (not unframed).
Good copy.
Nice optical print with see-through on windows in order to create a “by night” effect. The passe-
partout masks the caption below (if present).
, 23 x 33,5 cm, full col., hightened with arabic gum (marg. foxing), framed (not
unframed). View of Bantam with the attack on the Portuguese fleet in 1601: depicted is the victory of
Admiral Wolfert Harmensz. and his 5 ships over 30 Portuguese vessels before the coast of Bantam.
(2 pc.)
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