880 [Varia]
Lot of incomplete books
and books in less good condition. S.w.a.f.
Seneca, L.A.
- Tomus secundus In quo epistolae, et quaestiones naturales. Amst., Elsevier, 1649,
12mo, green morocco (upper cover lacking), spine on 5 raised bands (rubbed), gilt edges, 718 pp. -
Curtius R., Snel, A.
- Hoogberoemde historie van ‘t Leven ende de daden Alexandri de Groote
(...). Antw., Verdussen, 1727, 8vo, cont. sheep (used), 508-[20] pp. (lacking some or more pp.,
waterstains throughout). Ms. ownership entries. -
Bartsch, A.
- Catalogue raisonné de toutes les
estampes qui forment l’oeuvre de Rembrandt (...). Seconde partie. Vienna, Blumauer, 1797, 8vo,
without wrappers, 208 pp.-3 pl. (spotting thoughout). -
Bennettis, H. a
- Chronologia et critica
historiae profanae, et sacrae in tomos VI tributa (...). Pars I Tomus IV. Rome, heirs of Komarek,
1767, 4to, cont. sheep (somewhat rubbed), gilt orn. spine on 5 raised bands (defect. at head), viii-
582 [i.e. 583] pp. Stamps on title. -
Bouchaud, M.-A.
- Commentaire sur la loi des douze tables,
dédié au premier consul. Paris, Imprimerie de la République, 1803, 2 vol., 4to, cont. half calf, spine
on 4 raised bands (joints splitting), xvi-669-[1], [4]-602 pp. (stamps cut out, spotting and staining
throughout). -
Inscriptions funéraires et monumentales de la province d’Anvers
. Arrondissement
d’Anvers. Antw., Buschmann, 1856, 1863, 2 vol., half shagreen (corners rubbed), spine on 5 raised
bands (joints splitting and rubbed). -
Vergilius, M.
- P. Virgilii Maronis Opera, in locos communes
ad academiae Turnoniae inventutis utilitatem digesta. Nunc secunda hac editione (...). Douai, Ex
officina Balthasaris Belleri, 1595, 8vo, cont. sheep. Used copy. -
La Fontaine, Jean de
- Contes et
nouvelles en vers. Paris, Tilliard, 1809, 2 vol., cont. calf with gilt orn. borders on covers, gilt orn.
spine on 5 raised bands, 2 vol. Without pl., spotting throughout. -
Grati, M. de
- Discours de droit
moral et politique (...). Première partie. Liège, Hovius, 1676, 4to, later binding. -
Amaral, A.C.
Liber utilissimus judicibus, et advocatis (...). Coimbra, Ferreyra, 1695, 4to, cont. blindstamped calf.
Used copy. -
Lessius, L.
- De iustitia et iure ceterisque virtutibus cardinalibus. Libri quatuor. Antw.,
Plantin Press of J. Moretus, 1609, 4to, no binding, only front cover. Used copy. -
Mudzaert, D.
Generale kerckeliicke historie van het begin der werelt tot het iaer onses Heeren Iesu Christi M.DC.
XXIV (...). Antw., Verdussen, 1624, 4to, cont. calf over wood. Used copy. -
Gall, F.J.
- Anatomie et
physiologie du système nerveux en général, et du cerveau en particulier. Paris, Grecque-Latine-
Allemande, 1810-1819, 4 vol., 4to, mod. boards. Without pl. -
Augustinus, A.
- Divi Aurelii Augustini
Hipponensis episcopi operum. Venice, Variscus, 1670, 7 vol. of 10, 8vo, cont. vellum.
1...,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188 190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,...432
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