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KANT, Immanuel.

Critik der reinen Vernunft.

Riga, Johann Friedrich Hartknoch, 1781.

In-8 (185 x 115 mm) de 12

., 856 pp. ; cartonnage de papier marbré, dos lisse, pièce de

titre manuscrite sur papier

(reliure allemande de l’époque).

Édition originale du maître ouvrage de Kant (1724-1804) qui inaugure la philosophie moderne.

“Kant's great achievement was to conclude finally the lines on which philosophical speculation

had proceeded in the eighteenth century, and to open up a new and more comprehensive

system of dealing with the problems of philosophy... The influence of Kant is paramount in

the critical method of modern philosophy. No other thinker has been able to hold with such

firmness the balance between speculative and empirical ideas. His penetrating analysis of the

elements involved in synthesis, and the subjective process by which these elements are realized in

the individual consciousness, demonstrated the operation of "pure reason"; and the simplicity

and cogency of his arguments achieved immediate fame. Kant's achievements in other branches

of philosophy were equally distinguished and fruitful... His methods... dominated western

philosophical thought throughout the nineteenth century, as they do today” (PMM).

Bon exemplaire, quelques rousseurs ; petites usures à la reliure.

PMM, 226 ; Norman, 1197 ; Warda, 59.

12 000 / 15 000 €