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The auction house Hôtel des Ventes de Mont-Carlo acts as

agent for the seller. It is not a party to the contract of sale that

binds the buyer and seller.

The following terms and conditions of sale, as well as every-

thing related to the sale, are governed by Monegasque law. All

legal actions are within the jurisdiction of the Courts of the Prin-

cipality of Monaco.

The sale takes place for payment in full and the currency is the

Euro (



The descriptions in the catalogue are established by the Hôtel

des Ventes de Mont-Carlo if no expert appraiser has assisted,

and exclusively by the expert appraiser who assists as required.

If necessary, corrections of the description or estimate can be

made upon presentation of the object, which shall be pointed

to potential purchasers and noted in the record of the sale. In

the framework of assistance by an expert appraiser, said latter

assumes full responsibility for initial descriptions or modifica-

tions made to the report.The liability of the Hôtel desVentes de

Mont-Carlo cannot be engaged in the event of dispute regar-

ding the authenticity or condition of an item, since the Hôtel

des Ventes de Mont-Carlo is bound by an obligation of means.

As concerns the condition of the lots offered, note that the lack

of reference to the condition in the description given in the

catalogue does not imply that the item is free from defects, and

certain restorations that do not change its nature and period

cannot be a cause of dispute. The item, in the absence of any

mention, is considered sold in the state in which it is found.

Experts are available to customers of the Hôtel des Ventes de

Mont-Carlo prior to each sale to answer any questions concer-

ning such matters.

No claim shall be accepted once the hammer falls as a prior

exhibition of the items enables potential buyers to form their

own judgment of the condition of the objects.


Furniture, paintings and art objects are sold in the state in

which they are found.

The restoration or replacement of elements on furniture or an

object that do not change the nature and authenticity of the

furniture or object are considered usual upkeep.

Re-backing, doubling, and parquetry on a painting are protec-

tive measures and do not constitute defects if they are not


Dimensions are provided for reference only.



A number of precious stones have been professionally treated

for their embellishment (heat treatment and oiling for the

gems, whitening of pearls). These operations are traditionally

accepted by international jewellery traders.

For certain pieces of jewellery and with the clientseller’s agree-

ment, the Hôtel des Ventes de Mont-Carlo may obtain reports

from gemological laboratories of international repute, which, if

requested, may indicate the presence or absence of any heat


For large gemstones and pearls, the Hôtel des Ventes will pro-

vide its clients with certificates established by internationally

renowned laboratories prior to their sale. If the buyer wishes to

have a different certificate from a laboratory of their choice,

they must request it between 30 and 10 days prior to the sale.

No claims regarding the certificates provided can be accepted

after the sale.


Coral, ivory, tortoiseshell and all materials from endangered

species can be sold in a public auction as long as they are an

integral part of antique jewellery.


Jewellery studded with Burmese rubies or jadeite cannot be

exported to the United States. However if they are accompa-

nied by a certificate or an invoice, dated prior to October 2007,

they may enter the American territory. Burmese rubies and

jadeite can move freely in the European community.


All lots are sold in the state in which they are found.

No claims may be brought against the Hôtel des Ventes de

Mont-Carlo and its expert based on the presence of an old

repair, on the initial sealing, or its functioning. The potential

buyer may request a condition report from the expert before

the sale.


All potential buyers must identify themselves beforehand using

a registration form made available at the entrance to the room

by the staff of the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo. She/he

must provide a valid piece of identity and, if requested, proof of

their bank details. A card bearing a number corresponding to

the registration will be delivered to a buyer who will restore it

when leaving the room. It is personal and allows the individual

to bid during the sale.

The auction follows the numerical sequence of the catalogue,

unless said order is modified at the discretion of the Hôtel des

Ventes de Monte-Carlo.

The information collected on the registration forms is manda-

tory in order to take part in the sale and for managing the auc-

tion. You can have access to your datas to be corrected, can-

celled, to ask for a limited treatment of your datas, to ask for

your datas to be transmitted to a structured format or to

oppose, for a legitimate reason to their further use, by addres-

sing a formal letter accompanied by a copy of your ID to the

Hôtel des Ventes de Monte Carlo either by email or letter.

The successful bidder is the highest and last bidder.

In the case of a challenge at the time of award, especially in the

case where several bidders claim to have made the same bid

simultaneously, and the event is clearly established, although

the word «Sold» was pronounced, the object is immediately put

back on auction starting at the last amount obtained and those

present shall be allowed to bid again.

References concerning the identity entered on the bid sum-

mary shall be identical to those made in the registration form.

No changes of identity can be made without approval of the

Hôtel des Ventes de Mont-Carlo managers.

Once the hammer falls, the buyer is responsible for the integrity

of the object acquired, as well as its insurance.


All potential buyers identified by the Hôtel desVentes de Mont-

Carlo may bid by telephone during the sale.

In order to be admissible, requests for telephone lines must be

made in writing, accompanied by a valid piece of identity and a

RIB (bank account information certificate).The Hôtel desVentes

de Mont-Carlo will contact the bidder by telephone during the

auction; however, it declines all liability for any error or omission

in connection with said service.


An estimate, which does not include costs borne by the purcha-

ser or possible VAT in case of temporary importation, is given in

front of each lot in the catalogue. Unless otherwise noted, all

lots are offered with a reserve price established by contract with

the seller under which the item cannot be awarded. In the

absence of a reserve price fixed with the seller, no objection

may be made by said latter in the event that the object would

be awarded under the estimate range.


The Monegasque State may exercise an option to purchase

works of art offered for sale in the Principality of Monaco. The

state replaces the last bidder.The pre-emption decision is made

known to the bailiff immediately after the hammer falls. Said

pre-emptive right must be confirmed within two weeks. In the

absence of confirmation within said period, the object shall

return to the last bidder.

Article 2-1 of Law No. 1014 of 29/12/1978 relative to the auction

of furniture.


Deposits preceded by this symbol are temporary imports

from a non EU country. Their allocated price will be subject to

VAT at 5.5 % ( ) or 20% ( ) in addition to legal costs. The VAT is

recoverable in the event of re export outside the EU within one

month on presentation of a customs document as evidence of

reexport. No tax-exclusive sales document will be drawn up wi-

thout offical proof of export, as the intra-Communitarian VAT

number does not constitute adequate proof.


It is for the buyer to check prior the auction if the item is sub-

mitted to custom formalities for export.


If the item is subjected to obtain a Certificate of Cultural Object

by the Ministère de la Culture, it is of the responsibility of the

successful bidder to ask for it. Neither the approval, denial of

approval, or approval application time may be invoked as

grounds for change in payment deadline or cancellation of sale.

If no certificate of cultural object has been issued yet, the Hôtel

desVentes de Monte-Carlo can handle the request to the Direc-

tion des Musées de France, at the buyer’s expenses.


For the exports of a Cultural Property outside the European

Community, it is up to the successful bidder to apply for a


The buyer can contact one of the shippers we recommend to

handle these formalities and hold shipment.

Customs formalities are required for sending works of art to

countries outside of the European Union.

The buyer must check the rules in force in the destination

country before making a purchase.

There are no customs formalities for works of art to be delivered

in France or other countries of the European Union. Outside of

the European Union, customs rules will be those in force in the

country of destination of the work.


In addition to the hammer price, the buyer must pay a fee of

25% HT excluding VAT up to

500 000, 23% excluding VAT on

amounts from

500 001 to

2 000 000 and 20% HT excluding

VAT on amounts above

2 000 001.


The sale is strictly carried out for payment in full.

The buyer must pay within three days the purchase price, which

includes the amount of the hammer price, fees, and taxes, if


- By certified bank check in Euro,

- By bank transfer in Euro,

- By Visa or MasterCard with proof of identity,

- In case of payment by American Express, a fee of 2.75% will be


- In cash in Euro up to an amount less than 30,000


Cheques drawn on foreign banks will be accepted at the sole

discretion of the managers of the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-

Carlo. If the acquisition is not paid in full, the item cannot be

handed over to the buyer.

The buyer’s failure regarding payment shall not incur the res-

ponsibility of the Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo, and conse-

quently, releases it from the obligation to pay the seller.

In the event of failure to pay the amount due, the buyer will be

charged an additional fee of 5% of the final bidding price to

cover collection fees, amouting not less than 200

. This shall

not preclude the allocation of damages or compensation.

In the absence of payment by the buyer, after formal notice has

remained without answer, and after a month has passed since

the bid was accepted by fall of the hammer.

The Hotel des Ventes de Monte Carlo is a member of the

Registre Central de Prévention des Impayés des Commis-

saires-Priseurs to which unpaid items can be registered. The

right of access, modification and opposition for a legitimate

reason are to be exerced by the debitor to the SYMEV, 15 rue

Freycinet 75016 Paris.


No lot may be collected or delivered until the related invoice

has been paid in full.

Sold lots remain entirely the responsibility of the successful bid-

der, even if not yet delivered right after the auction. It is for the

buyer to insure his purchases and to collect the items at the

Hôtel desVentes de Monte-Carlo or one of his storages within 8


Beyond this time, storage fees will be charged:

- 60

for handling

- 30

per lot per week, non-divisible.

Shipment of purchases :

The purchases can be shipped, as a service, only upon express

written request, along with a liability release letter, and shall be

at the buyer’s expenses.

The Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo denies all responsibility

for lot transport.


Code Banque


Code Guichet


Numéro de Compte








(International Bank Account Number)

MC58 1273 9000 7005 5673 0000 071