Lot n° 289

(Science, Médecine) - HOULLIER, Jacques.- De morbis internis, lib. II [...]. De febribus. De peste. De rhemediis хата Tonowin Galeni libros. Materia chirurgica. Qua omnia Ant. Valet. medici opera auctiora et castigatoria in lucem prodeunt....

Estimation : 400 / 500
Adjudication : Invendu
Parisiis, apud Carolum Maceum, 1577. 4 parts in 1 vol. in-8° : 8-[16]-296, 83-[1 bl.], 132 [i.e. 134], 68 lvs (third and fourth parts inverted, slightly browned, some lvs stronger, dampstains, small marginal wormholes in lvs 275296 of 1st part, marginal tears). Contemporary binding : limp parchment with small flaps, flat spine with ink title in length, chiselled edges (stains, browned spine, flyleaves lacking).
Posthumous collection of treatises of the French doctor Houllier (c. 1498/1504-1562) edited by Antoine Valet (+ 1607). The first work "De morbis internis" deal with various diseases (plague, fievers, phtisis, asthma...) and the way to cure them, the "Materia chirurgica" is about drugs to use to avoid surgery and the last "De rhemediis [...] in Galeni libros" is a summary of remedies extracted from Galenus (129-c. 200/216). Houllier became professor of medicine in 1538 and collaborator of Jean Tagault (+ 1560) who asked him in 1543 to complete his "Institutiones chirurgicae". He was also dean of the Medicine Faculty in 1546 and 1547 and was the teacher a.o. of Louis Duret. Printer's mark on the title-page. Work first published in 1571. # Durling 2484; # Éloy II-568/569 # USTC 170386; # not in Adams, Soltész, STC French, Machiels, Bibl. Walleriana, Garrisson & Morton, Wellcome. fl Collection de traités du médecin Houllier, recteur de la Faculté de médecine, édité par Valet. Plein parchemin souple de l'ép. (parties III et IV inversées, mouill., lég. bruni, certains ff. plus fortement).