Lot n° 286

(Religion) - Liber aureus ab ipsis practicis no[n] desideratus. Regulas cancellarie apostolice (seu Potius co[n]stitutio[n]es et ordinatio[n]es papales) articulatim co[m]plectens [...]. (Parisiis, su[m]ptibus Johannis Petit, anno a partu Virginis...

Estimation : 250 / 300
Adjudication : 150 €
1529.die.viii.maii). In-8° : cxiiii-[9] lvs (dampstains throughout, some handwritten notes, marginal wormholes sometimes with small lacks of text, upper corner repaired and small hole in lf. ix, rare ink stains). 17th Century binding : bordeaux morocco, blind decorated ribbed spine, gilt roll-stamps on the edges and the turn ins (lacks at the turn ins and corners, upper joint partly split, small wormhole in the upper joint, light dampstain at the lower board, dampstains and mould at the flyleaves).
Postincunabulum containing rules of the Roman Chancellery promulgated by Innocentius VIII, Julius II and Clement VII. Text in Gothic typesetting with ornemental initial letters, mostly dotted and some large; large mark of Petit on the title-page. # Machiels R-246; # USTC 184927 (mentions Jean Cornillau as editor); # not in Adams, Soltész, STC French. ▲ Provenance : Adam Loui (?) (handwritten mention). fl Post-incunable contenant des règlements de la Chancellerie Pontificale édictés par Innocent VIII, Jules II et Clément VII. Plein maroquin bordeaux du 17e s. (mouill. passim, galeries de vers marg. parfois avec pet. manques, manques aux coiffes et coins).