Lot n° 47

SADELER, Joannes I & Raphael I The kitchens of Sadeler, s.d. Set of 2 tool engr. after Jacopo Bassano, Venetian paper c. 1600, watermarks "Crown" and "Crown and circle", 23,6 x 29,5 cm (trimmed to the borderline), 23,5 x 29,4 cm (good margins);...

Estimation : 500 / 700
Adjudication : Invendu
engr. names and dedic. Sm. tear just touching the picture repaired at upper margin of "The rich man", lower right corner of "Christ in Emmaus" repaired. Very good impressions. 
From a set of 3, probably ed. by Marcus Sadeler. Joannes I : The rich man and the poor Lazarus. - Raphael I : Christ in Emmaus, 1593. Both with dedication to J.A. à Sprinzenstain and Neuhaus and Ferdinand, duke of Austria. Beautiful plates representing busy kitchens and abundance of food. 