Lot n° 598

Josephine Jewell DODGE (1855-1928), activiste américaine, fondatrice de la « National …

Estimation : 400 - 500 EUR
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Josephine Jewell DODGE (1855-1928), activiste américaine, fondatrice de la « National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage », et pionnière du « Day nursery movement ». Lettre dactylographiée signée à Caroline Dudley, à Chicago. 2 pp. in-12, en-tête à son adresse « 563 Park Avenue ». New York, 28 décembre 1923. Enveloppe. Organisation d'un meeting du Day Nursery Movement à Chicago. Elle a fixé la date de son arrivée à Chicago, au 23 janvier 1924 ; elle viendra avec Mrs James Keeley et sa belle fille Josephine. « Can you appoint a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Chicago Association and any other who you think would be interested in hearing me tell about the future plans of the National Federation of Day Nurseries. By that time the votes on the changes in the constitution should be in and I shall be able to explain officially what the change involves for the Chicago Association and what way we need their help. Better to have the meeting too large, but of course you could include all the presidents of nurseries, if you prefer. Please telegraph me if Friday, the 25th is all right. It may not be a good day for you. I could have it on Thursday afternoon but as I am not feeling particularly well these days I should prefer to have that day to rest. I shall leave for Cleveland on Monday the 28th, speaking at a meeting there on the twenty-ninth ».