Lot n° 120

KEILL (John) — Institutions astronomiques, ou leçons élémentaires d'astronomie, pour servir d'introduction à la physique céleste...

Estimation : 400 - 500 €
Adjudication : 500 €
Paris, Guerin, 1746. In-4, veau fauve marbré, dos à nerfs orné, tranches rouges (Reliure de l’époque).3 ff. n. ch., LXIV pp., 660 pp., 15 pl. dépl. h-t nombreux tableaux in-t.
Édition originale française, traduite du latin par Le Monnier, qui apporte d’importantes augmentations originales, si bien que l’ouvrage est souvent catalogué sous son nom.
« Of all his diverse interests, Le Monnier's work on lunar motion was the most extensive and the most important (...). Newton had shown that the principal inequalities of the moon could be calculated from his law of universal gravitation (...). His methods, however, added little to the theory that Jeremiah Horrocks had suggested long before. Flamsteed calculated new tables based on Horrock's theory incorporating Newton's corrections, but he did not publish them. They appeared for the first time in Le Monnier's Institution Astronomiques (1746), his most famous work. It was basically a translation of John Keill's Introductio ad veram astronomiam (London, 1721), but with important additions and with new tables of the sun and moon. The book, the first important general manual of astronomy in France, later was replaced by the textbooks of Lalande and Lacaille » (DSB).
Tache d’encre au bas des premiers ff. sur qq mm. de la marge sans atteinte au texte. Coins et mors usés.
DSB, VIII, p. 178-79 – Houzeau & Lancaster, Bibl. Astron., 9244.
On joint deux ouvrages :
CASSINI. Éléments d’astronomie. Paris, Impr. Royale, 1740. In-4, veau de l’époque. XVI pp., 6 ff. (table), 643 pp., 20 planches portant 85 figures. Reliure usagée.
LA LANDE. Abrégé d’Astronomie. Paris, Vve Desaint, 1774. In-8, veau fauve marbré de l’époque, tranches. rouges. 16 pl. h-t. Bel exemplaire.