Lot n° 101
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HEMINGWAY Ernest. (1899-1961). L.A.S. «Papa» et «EH», en marge d'une L.S. «Mary» de sa …

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HEMINGWAY Ernest. (1899-1961). L.A.S. «Papa» et «EH», en marge d'une L.S. «Mary» de sa femme, Cuba 25 août 1954, à leur ami Kit Figgis ; 1 page in-4 à en-tête Finca Vigia, San Francisco de Paula, Cuba ; en anglais. Alors que Hemingway se rétablit de son accident d'avion en Ouganda (janvier 1954), Mary Hemingway, dans sa lettre dac­tylographiée, demande à Kit Figgis, qui habite en Afrique, de vérifier la taxidermie de plusieurs animaux que «Papa» a tués, notamment un lion à Kimana Swamp, un impala à Salengai, un kudu et un buffle à Magadi, etc. En marge, Hemingway ajoute, de sa main, ce long post-scriptum : «Dear Kit: Sorry to bother you with this but it seems bad for Mary to run any chance of losing her trophies [Wife's Game Trophies] she worked so hard for. With O.M. Rees as he is and Philip Percival laid up we turn to you to get the gen. Hope everything is well with you the chiltern [sic] and old Larry. Will write you properly soon. I do so hope everything OK with my god-child and you. Love Papa». Il ajoute : «Excuse bad penmanship. Am scribbling this PS with the back of a Town and Country as a desk sitting in the old big chair. All parts getting in good shape. Mary fine and well. Our love to Ray and his Mary also. We plan to be back by this time next year. EH.» Mary prend à son tour la plume pour donner des nouvelles de son mari : «Papa is very much better and improving - he was pretty beat up - M.»