Lot n° 1015

Curiosa.- SCOTT (G.R.).

Estimation : 25 / 50
Adjudication : 30 €
Phallic Worship. A History of Sex and Sex Rites in Relation to the Religions of all Races from Antiquity to the Present Day. London, Luxor, 1966, 4°, cart. édit./ KNIGHT (R.P.). Discourse on the Worship of Priapus, and its Connection with the Mystic Theology of the Ancients. Secaucus, University Books, 1974, 4°, bradel demi-percaline bordeaux./ KRAUSS (Dr Fr.). Das Geschlechtleben in Glauben, Sitte und Brauch der Japaner. Leipzig, Deutsche Verlagsactiengesellschaft, 1907, 4°, bradel pleine toile bleue (rel. frottée)./ Ens. 3 vol. illustrés.