Lot n° 251

COTES Roger, Harmonia mensurarum, sive analysis & synthesis per rationum & angulorum mensuras promotaee... Cantabrigiae : [Robert Smith], 1722. In-4° (mm 246x183).

Estimation : 320 - 640
Pagine [20], 249, [3], 125, [1] con 1 tabella calcografica ripiegata fuori testo.
Alcuni dei fascicoli presentano forti bruniture, nel complesso buona copia, marginosa e completa.
Legatura coeva in pieno vitello con titolo in oro su tassello al dorso.
Dentelles dorate alle unghiature, tagli spruzzati.
Mancanze lungo le cerniere. (1)

Prima edizione. Norman 519: «This posthumously published contains volume of Cotes's mathematical papers contains "Logometria", the only one of Cotes' work published during his lifetime, in which he gave two methods for computing Briggsian logarithms, wrote extensively on the application of integration to the solution of problems involving quadratures, arc lengths, etc., and presented his discovery that the surface area of an ellipsoid of revolution can be found in two ways, one involving logarithms and the other arc sine».