Lot n° 336

LEVINE (Isaac don). Letters from Bolshevist Prison and Exile. Sans lieu ni date [Berlin, chez l'Auteur, 1925]. Petit in-folio, cartonnage souple muet d'amateur en demi-toile noire. RARISSIME RAPPORT RONEOTYPE A QUELQUES EXEMPLAIRES SUR LA CONDITION...

Estimation : 600 / 800
Adjudication : 3000 €
DES PRISONNIERS POLITIQUES DANS LES GOULAGS RUSSES. Il comprend 183 feuillets ; sur 14 feuillets hors texte ont été collées des photographies de prisonniers, de lettres, de tracts et de documents divers. On y trouve notamment une carte des différents goulags de Russie. Le rapport a été réalisé par un correspondant de l'American Press, qui justifie ainsi cette compilation : "Upon learning while in Moscow last winter from Mrs Peter Kropotkin of the bloody tragedy on the Solovetz Islands and later of the methods of Sergei Merozov in prison, and finding himself unable to transmit the news abroad to the press because of the censorship, the writer decided that a way must be found to convey to the outside world the facts about the political prisoners in Soviet Russia. This book is a realization of that decision. Part One of the present volume deals exclusively with the Solovetz Islands, and particularly with the events of December 19, 1923. The prisoners' camps on these arctic islands merit the special attention of all humanity. Part Two of this book consists of letters from various prisons and places of exile. The compiler has spent much time and labour in collecting and translating these letters and in securing and providing the illustrations. He will amply rewarded when the revenue derived from the sales of this book, which is to be published in English, French and German, is applied for the relief of the prisoners.” Précieux document.