Lot n° 100

BORCH (comte DE). Lettres sur la Sicile et sur l'île de Malthe écrites en 1777. Turin, Frères Reycends, 1782,

Estimation : 200 / 300
Adjudication : 600 €
2 vol. 8°, XIX-[1] et 256 p., 29 planches hors texte, dont 13 dépliantes, dessinées par l'auteur (hormis 2 par Philippe Hackert et une par Swinburn), et gravées par Chrys. Dell'Aqua pour les planches et par Joseph Piranelli pour les cartes, demi-veau brun de l'époque, dos lisses ornés (reliures restaurées, mors avant fendu au 1er vol.).
Édit. orig.
Very attractively illustrated work. Michal Jan Comte de Borch (1753-1810) was a Polish aristocrat and naturalist. He held the military rank of commander of the Maltese Order and was a member of many learned societies.
The work contains 2 large folding maps of Sicily and 1 folding map of the Etna, 2 plates show « Champignon astringens de Malthe » formely considered a fungi and other plates show ancient temples, people etc. « Very scarce.
The published letters describing Borch's extensive trips through the islands of Sicily and Maltha. Because of the author's interest in mineralogy, he provides many vivid descriptions of his visits to geological formations and working mines » (Schuh, Bibliography of Mineralogy). Borch was the author of two other books on the minerals and rocks of Sicily as well as a famous work on the truffles of the Piemont.