Lot n° 232

Novum Testamentum Graece cum vulgata interpretatione Latina Graeci [...] atque alia Ben. Ariae Montani Hispalensis opera[m] è verbo reddita [...] [- Hebraicorum bibliorum, Veteris testamenti latina interpretatio [...]].

Estimation : 1000 / 1200
Adjudication : 1 500 €
Antverpiae, excudebat Christophorus Plantinus, 1572. 2 parts in 5 sections bound in 1 vol. in-f° : [8]-191-[1], [8]-147-[1 bl.], 186-[2 bl.], 114-[1-1 bl.], 166-[1-1 bl.] pp. (4 parts bound according Hebrew tradition, stains, light marginal dampstains, hole repaired in 1 title-page and 1 corner lacking, handwritten provenance on 1 title-page, otherwise good copy). 19th Century English binding : sprinkled calf, boards with a frame of light leather in the center and encircled with blind roll-stamp and fillets decorated with fleurons in the angles, spine in brown shagreen blind decorated, red sprinkled edges (spine renewed, corners repaired, scratches, some stains, trimmed, pastedowns and flyleaves renewed). FIRST EDITION of the volume VII of Plantin's Polyglot Bible. Contains the Old Testament in Hebrew and the New Testament in Greek, both with interlinear Latin translation. Adapted from Sante Pagnini's edition by Benito Arias Montano, F. Raphelengius and the brothers Le Fèvre de la Boderie for the first, edited by Montano for the second. Plantin's marks on the title-pages. Copy without the "Hebraiocorum idiotismorum librum" mentionned by the "Ordo librorum" to be a part of vol. VII but in fact, following the contemporary catalogues of the editor, specified to be the first treatise of vol. VIII.
# Voet 644 ( VII.1 & VII.2); # Darlow & Moule 4637.
Provenance : handwritten ex-dono to C.R. Thorold Winkley from his father, Trinity Sunday 1879; William Winkley (emblazoned ex-libris); "This is the Editio optima [...]" (note on one title-page).
Édition originale du vol. VII de la Bible polyglotte de Plantin (sans les "Communes [...] hebraicae [...]"). Plein veau du 19e s. (claires mouill. marg., griffes ou lég. épidermures, dos renouvelé).