Lot n° 167

WALDSEEMÜLLER, Martin.- Universalis cosmographia secundum Ptholomaei [...].

Estimation : 800 / 1000
Adjudication : 1 600 €
[ Strassbourg, 1507]. Facsimile, woven paper, 70,5 x 123,5 cm (visible), hand colored details. Under glass and gilt frame. High quality facsimile of the unique copy of Waldseemüller's large 1507 world map, now held at the Library of Congress. This first map to show the name "America" (applied to Brazil) is mainly drawn on a modification of Ptolemy's conical projection. Waldseemüller used Ptolemy as a source for most of Europe and Asia, while Africa was based on Portuguese travels and some of the other regions on manuscript charts. While Ptolemy flanks the east hemisphere at the head of the map, Amerigo Vespucci is at the western one, because -according the lower left-hand corner legend-, the representation of the new world is based on Vespucci's four voyages. Waldseemüller's wall map was recognized as an outstanding cartographical masterpiece and as a consequence his contemporaries relied heavily upon it. The present facsimile is probably published by Schuler Verlag of Stuttgart.
# Shirley 26.