Lot n° 164

[ BAUER, Carl Johann Sigmund].- Die Erde im kleinen C.B.

Estimation : 800 / 1000
Adjudication : 1 700 €
[ Nuremberg, 1800-1825]. Globe : copper engraving, diameter 4 cm, colored; booklet of 28 engraved plates vowed in accordion, 4,5 x 5,5 cm, colored, pasted to the bottom of the box. In original pink card box (5,5 x 6,5 x 6 cm). CHARMING VICTORIAN TERRESTRIAL GLOBE made up of 12 hand coloured engraved paper gores. With booklet of 28 plates showing people of all nations in traditional costumes, each labeled in English and German. Illustrated label on the lid of the box. Though it differs from the one recorded by Van der Krogt, it holds the same maker's initials "C.B." and should be as such a RARE VERSION of the globes the Bauer family produced as a gadget for the market. Vancouver 's discoveries at the end of the 18th century are recorded at the northwest coast of America. Handwritten notes on the bottom of the box.
# Van der Krogt BAU 1.
Sphère terrestre miniature composée de 12 fuseaux sur cuivre et rehaussés. Avec livret en forme d'accordéon comportant 28 illustrations figurant les peuples du monde, gravées et rehaussées. Le tout dans sa boîte d'origine de carton couvert de papier gaufré rose.