7/11/1403, c. 11 x 28 cm.
Jean Aubert
, administrator for the duchess of Burgundy, acknowledges
the receipt of 500 francs for the expenses made by the countess of Nevers and her children when
sojourning in Burgundy. The money was paid by “Jehan Chousat receveur general des finances de
monsieur le duc de Bourgogne”.
2/9/1410, c. 13,5 x 33 cm. Letter of
Pierre des Essarts
1413), provost of Paris and general treasurer of war, to Denys du Puys, receiver at Monstreuil,
ordering a payment of 10 livres to Raoulin Dardel. With type-written transcriptions and/or English
translation and commentaries.
404 [Ghent]
Inventory of the estate of theWidow of Jan van Salenson
, Ghent printer and bookseller,
1635-1636. Dutch manuscript on paper, c. 32 x 20 cm, 2 quires of 16 and 8 ff. (some edges soiled).
In good condition.
Important documents for the history of Ghent printing. The printer and bookseller Jan van Salenson,
son of Gerard, died in 1623. His widow Catherina de Caluwe continued the business until her death
on 29 October 1635. The 1st inventory lists her possessions and accounts on 29 October 1635.
The 2nd one is a detailed survey of the division among her heirs. Some interesting details: debts
to “Martin Jacobs, coopman to Antwerpen, over de leverijnghe van papier” and to “dhoirs van
Jeronimus Verdussen d’oude over leverijnghe van boucken”.
405 [Liège - Hannut]
14 archiefstukken betreffende de familie Radart te Hannut
, 17de-18de eeuw.
Handschrift op perkament en papier, Frans, verschillende formaten. In goede staat.
Bevat stukken betreffende
(“le dit Conlin Radar en nom avoué et au prouffit du dit Charle
de Lymon, de ses heirs, remanants ou ayant cause, par leal tiltre d’accense et rendaige héritable
perpétuelle...”, 20/03/1587. - “... vendu et absolumente transporté, comme il faict par cette au
proffict du Sr et Rd Mre Nicolas Robert, pasteur du dit Hannut, présent acceptant tant pour luy que
ses héritiers, cincque florins de rente...”, 28/03/1699. -
betreffende een verkoop door baron de
Zegrardi aan heer de Chentinnes, gesign. door de griffier H. Radar, 23/05/1695. - Stuk betreffende
Martin Radar (rue de Tombeur) en Jean Radart (“renonce a certain place ou il y avait une maison,
qu’at été brullée par les Français”). -
Kopieën van geboorte- en overlijdensakten
van o.a. Nicolas
Joseph Tilman en Jeanne Radart, 1785. Stempels Philippe van Heurck.
406 [Limburg]
Patent of nobility
, on 1 July 1816 granted and signed by
Willem I, King of the
, to
Charles Lambert Marie Dieudonné baron de Rosen van der Maesen
1787 - Tongeren 1858). Manuscript on vellum, c. 45 x 63 cm, plica 7,6 cm, with cauda and a large red
wax seal (ø 100 mm), kept in a rusty metal box (a single hole). In good condition.
Cfr. ill.
Baron Rosen van der Maesen was in July 1816 nominated member of the Provinciale Staten van
Limburg, a function he held from 1816-1831. With his official coat-of-arms (c. 17,5 x 16 cm), with
i.a. three red roses.
Rietstap (Nederl. adel) Pl. 71.
407 LORRAINE, Charles de
- Signed passport for Count Van der Noot and his family, printed form,
broadside, c. 36 x 46 cm. In good condition.
Signed by Charles de Lorraine (1712-1780), Austrian governor of the Southern Netherlands, and
by H. Crumpipen “A notre Quartier General au Chateau d’Amby”, 31 October 1746, with seal.
Collector’s stamp.
408 [Louvain - Opvelp]
“Erfuytgevinge van de twaelf apostelen van blommaerts hof tot opvelp”
Louvain, 8 July 1462, vellum, c. 15,5 x 245 cm, plica 3 cm, remains of cauda, no seal. In very good
Rare early document from the accounts of the Louvain “Godshuis van de Twaalf Apostelen”,
founded in 1422. With xerox copies of mod. documentation.
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