1653 BOUCHOT, Henri
- The book. Its printers, illustrators, and binders, from Gutenberg to the present
time. With a treatise on the art of collecting and describing early printed books (...). London, Grevel,
1890, 4to, gilt decorated vellum, flat spine. Good copy.
A revised and much-enlarged ed. of the first English translation of Henri Bouchot’s ‘Le Livre’. Lim.
ed. One of 100 large paper copies (n. 54).
We join
Dudin, M.
- The art of the bookbinder and gilder. Leeds, The Elmete Press, 1977, folio,
quarter green gilt orn. leather, cloth covers. 1st publ. in 1772 and translated into English by R.
Atkinson. 1/490 numb. copies. Facsimile pl. from the orig. Paris ed. (2 vol.)
1654 [Catalogue]
4 vol.
, 4to, sewn or bound.
Catalogue d’un choix de très beaux livres
. Empire - restauration, époque romantigue, éditions
originales. London, Maggs Bros, 1938. -
Bibliothèque de Mme Th. Bélin
. Paris, Bosse, Giraud-
Badin, 1936. -
Catalogue de très beaux livres modernes
(...) composant la collection de Mr A.
Romagnol. Paris, Durel, 1906. -
Moura, E.
- Beaux livres anciens, rares et curieux. Bordeaux, par
les continuateurs de Simon Millanges, 1921.
1655 [Catalogue]
COLIN, Georges e.a
- Bibliothèque de Madame
Louis Solvay
. Bruxelles,
Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, 1969, 3 vol., in-4, br.
Quentin-Bauchart, E.
- Mélanges bibliographiques (1895-1903). Paris, H. Leclerc, 1904,
in-4, br. -
De Beauchamps, J., Rouveyre, Ed.
- Guide du libraire-antiquaire et du bibliophile. Paris,
E. Rouveyre, s.d., in-8, br. -
Dubois D’Enghien, H.
- La reliure en Belgique au dix-neuvième siècle.
Essai historique suivi d’un dictionnaire des relieurs. Brux., A. Leclercq, P. Van Der Perre, 1954,
in-4, toile. (6 vol.)
1656 [Curiosity - paper]
Important lot of hundreds of empty ff. of laid paper,
17th - 18th c., various
sizes, partly bound, partly loose. Good set with mostly clean ff.
820 loose ff.
, (410 + 420), 33 x 19 cm with a variety of watermarks “C”, “VI”, “crowned coat -
of - arms with lily of France” etc. Some sl. soiled edges, very few with stains, some folds. Very good
condition. -
, 17th c., cont. vellum (soiled, lower cover torn), +/- 29 x 21 cm, +/- 36 blanco
ff. with red margins. Some soiling, staining. Watermark with crown. A few cont., ms. notes on 1st
ff., dated 1684. -
titled “Traités - Portefeuille”, 17th c., folio, quarter vellum, 27 blanco ff.
with watermark “IHCNIG” Some ff. sl. dusty. - +/-
20 blanco ff.
, bound, 17th-18th c., folio, 50 x 31
cm. 1st and last ff. soiled. -
7 quires
of 12 double ff.
, 18th c., bound, folio, 40 x 25 cm. Watermark
with crown. 1st and last ff. soiled, waterstain in lower part. - +/-
150 blanco pp.
with red margins,
bound, folio, 37 x 24 cm size, watermark “CDG”. 1st and last ff. dusty, some foxing. -
14 quires of
4 double ff.
sewn, 39 x 50 cm, red margin, watermark. Some ff. sl. dusty.
1657 [Illustration - incunabula]
- Der Bilderschmuck der Frühdrucke. Leipzig,
Hiersemann, 1920-1937, 19 vol. (1-18 & 20, out of 23), folio, half leather, flat spine. Nice set.
Each volume of Der Bilderschmuck der Frühdrucke is complete in itself. This life’s work of the
German bibliographer Albert Schramm (1880-1937) is still a fundamental reference tool for
the study of early printing and illustrated incunables in Germany. This set includes the work of
the most important German 15th-c. printers, Albrecht Pfister, Koberger, Fust und Schöffer, e.o.
Besterman 3015-3016.
1658 [Illustration - Savonarola]
GRUYER, Gustave
- Les illustrations des écrits de Jérôme
Savonarole publiés en Italie au XVe et au XVIe siècle et Les paroles de Savonarole sur l’art. Paris,
Firmin-Didot, 1879, gr.
in-4, demi-chagrin bleu à coins (coins frottés), monogr. doré dans le coin
sup. dr., dos orné doré à 5 nerfs (passé, mors et coiffes frottés), t. dorée, couv. cons. (défr.), 221 pp.
(charnière sup. entièrement fendue).
Edit. orig.
de cette iconographie, ill. de 33 gravures in et hors texte d’après les bois originaux par
A. Pilinski et fils
. Tirage à 300 ex.
1...,402,403,404,405,406,407,408,409,410,411 413,414,415,416,417,418,419,420,421,422,...432
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