Lim. ed.
One of 100 large paper copies. Loosely inserted:
ms. letter
of James Gibson Craig to R.
Aikman. Bookpl. Thomas S.G.H.R. Aikman. Ms. notes on verso of front endpaper.
1625 BERALDI, Henri
- Estampes et livres 1872-1892. Paris, Conquet, 1892, in-4, demi-chagrin à
coins, dos orné doré à 5 nerfs (lég. frotté), xiii-277 pp. (qqs pp. souillé, part. non coupé). Bon ex.
Tirage à 390 ex. num. (n. 289). Frontisp. gravé par Wittmann après Dujardin, 40 pl. et portrait de
Francisque Cuzin à la fin.
1626 [Bibliography - almanac]
- Les almanachs français. Bibliographie-
iconographie des almanachs, années, annuaires, calendriers, chansonniers, étrennes, états, heures
(...) et autres publications annuelles éditées à Paris. (1600-1895). Ouvrage illustré de 5 planches
coloriées et de 306 vignettes. Paris, J. Alisié et Cie, 1896, gr. in-8, demi-chagrin de l’époque, dos à
5 nerfs (lég. frotté), couv. et dos cons. Bon ex.
Tirage à 1250 ex. num. Un des 1200 sur vélin (n. 533). Ex-libris armorié.
1627 [Bibliography - Arabia]
SCHNURRER, Christian Friedrich von
- Bibliotheca Arabica [enl.
ed.]. Halle (S.), J.C. Hendel, 1811, 8vo, cont. marbled boards (rubbed), flat spine, red polished
edges, xxi-[3]-529-[1] pp. (paper spotted). Good copy.
Important early systematic bibliography of Arabic language and literature by Schnurrer (1742-
1822), 1st publ. 1799-1806. On p. 530 Hendel stocklist. Victor Chauvin published a “Table
aplphabétique” in 1892. Libr. stamp on verso title.
Besterman 453.
1628 [Bibliography - Asia]
- Bibliotheca Indosinica. Dictionnaire bibliographique
des ouvrages relatifs à la péninsule indochinoise. Mansfield, Martino Publ., s.d., 5 t. en 3 vol., in-8,
bradel toile d’édit., vii-3030-309 pp. Bel ex.
Réimpression en fac-similé à 100 ex. de l’édit. de Paris, Van Oest, 1932.
1629 [Bibliography - incunabula]
Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the
British Museum
. Part I [- X, - XII, - Facsimiles parts I-VII]. Lithographic reprint. London, Trustees
of the British Museum, 1963-1971, 12 vol., folio, half cloth (some spines sl. damaged) but 1 vol. in
green cloth. Good set.
Reprint (1st 1908) of this massive bibliography of the incunables in the British Museum including 11
(of 13) parts concerning xylographica and books printed with types at Mainz, Strasbourg, Bamberg
and Cologne (pt 1), Germany: Eltvil-Trier (pt 2), Germany: Leipzig-Pforzheim, German-speaking
Switzerland and Austria-Hungary (pt 3), Italy: Subiaco and Rome (pt 4), Venice (pt 5), Italy:
Foligno, Ferrara, Florence, Milan, Bologna, Naples, Perugia and Treviso (pt 6), Italy: Genoa,
unassigned, addenda (pt 7), France, French-speaking Switzerland (pt 8), Holland, Belgium (pt 9),
Spain, Portugal (pt 10), Italy, supplement (pt 12) and facsimiles of parts 1-7.
We join
German incunabula in the British Museum
. 152 facsimile plates of fine book-pages from
presses of Germany, German-Switzerland and Austria-Hungary printed in the fifteenth century in
gothic letter and derived founts. With an introduction by Stanley Morison. London, V. Gollancz,
1928, folio, ill. cloth. With numerous plates. -
Grothe, W.
- Wiegendrucke in der Zeitenwende.
Klagenfurt, Kleinmayr, 1950, 8vo, half cloth, ill. d.w. (sl. soiled). -
Ernst, K.
- Die Wiegendrucke
des Kestner-Museums. Hannover, Culemannsche Buchdruckerei, 1963, 8vo, sewn. -
Mattmann, H.
- Inkunabeln der Bodmeriana. Katalog. Cologny-Genève, Bodmer, 1976, 8vo, publ.
binding. -
Roth, F.W.E.
- Geschichte und Bibliographie der Buchdruckereien zu Speier im XV. und
XVI. Jahrhundert. Nieuwkoop, De Graaf, 1966, 8vo, publ. cloth. -
Von Arnim, M.
- Katalog der
Bibliothek Otto Schäfer Schweinfurt. Teil I. Erster [- Zweiter] Halbband. Stuttgart, Hauswedell,
(1984), 2 vol., 4to, publ. cloth, slipcase. -
Bachmann, Fr.
- Die alten Städtebilder. Ein Verzeichnis
der graphischen Ortsansichten von Schedel bis Merian. Zweite, unveränderte Auflage. Stuttgart,
Hiersemann, 1965, 4to, publ. cloth, d.w. -
2 catalogues of Sotheby
(New York, 10 and 11 January
and London, 11 June 2002). -
9 other works
on similar subjects. (31 vol.)
1...,397,398,399,400,401,402,403,404,405,406 408,409,410,411,412,413,414,415,416,417,...432
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