His work is based on a wide knowledge of historiography and travel literature. It is singled out
by the high quality of its wealth of illustrations” (cf. Chatzipanagioti-Sangmeister). First publ. by
Coustelier in Paris, 1746-47. The same year, our copy, a 2nd ed. was publ. by Merigot & Piget in
Paris. With 2 engr. frontisp., 2 engr. title vignettes, engr. initials, 20 engr. headpieces and endpieces
28 engr. pl.
(of which 7 fold.).
Atabey 534. Blackmer 762. Weber II, 761. Chatzipanagioti-S.
382. Cohen/R. 465. Colas 1348. Hiler 401. Navari (Greek) 308. Sander 872. Brunet II, 1783.
1028 [Reference]
- Atlantes Neerlandici. Volumes I-V. Bibliography
of terrestrial, maritime and celestial atlases and pilot books, published in the Netherlands up to 1880
[- Volume VI. A Supplement to the volumes I-V and a bibliography of geographical, celestial and
thematic atlases published in the Netherlands between 1880 and 1940]. Amsterdam, Alphen aan
den Rijn, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Canaletto, 1967-1971, 1985, 6 vol., large 4to, blue publ. cloth.
Good copy.
Complete set of this unsurpassed, exceptionally thorough detailed biblio-cartographic work with
listings and collations of numerous atlases. Bookpl. A.J. Van Den Tol.
Wetenschappen 17
Sciences XVII
1029 [Alchemy]
PALISSY, Bernard
- Le moyen de devenir riche et la maniere veritable, par laquelle
tous les hommes de la France pourront apprendre à multiplier & augmenter leurs thresors &
possessions. Paris, R. Fouet, 1636, 8vo, 19th c. half calf (sl. rubbed), marbled paper on sides, gilt
spine, marbled endpapers, red silk marker, 2 parts: [16]-255-[1], [16]-526 pp. (lacking final blanks,
on somewhat coarse paper; unobtrusive dampstaining in blank bottom margin of some quires). Nice
1st collected ed. of Palissy’s two major books: “La recepte véritable” (1st ed. 1563) and “Discours
admirables” (1st ed. 1580). In “Recepte véritable”, “Palissy (1510-1589) discussed a wide variety
of topics, including agriculture (for which he proposed better methods for farming and for the use of
fertilizers), geology (in which he touched upon the origin of salts, springs, precious stones, and rock
formations), mines, and forestry. He also suggested plans for an ideal garden, to be decorated with
his earthenware and with biblical quotations (...). “Discours admirables” probably incorporates
Palissy’s Paris lectures. It, like the earlier work, deals with an impressive array of subjects:
agriculture, alchemy, botany, ceramics, embalming, engineering, geology, hydrology, medicine,
metallurgy, meteorology, mineralogy, paleontology, philosophy, physics, toxicology, and zoology.
The book is divided into several chapters, the first and longest of which is concerned with water. The
others take up metals and their nature and generation; drugs; ice; different types of salts and their
nature, effects, and methods of generation; characteristics of common and precious stones; clay and
marl; and the potter’s art (...). Palissy was one of the few men of his century to have a correct notion
of the origins of rivers and streams, and he stated it forcefully, denying categorically that rivers can
have any source other than rainfall (...). He was probably one of the first men in France to teach
natural sciences from facts, specimens and demonstrations rather than hypotheses.” (D.S.B., X, pp.
Goldsmith (BL) P-127. Duveen 446 (“A book of great importance in the history of
chemistry and science generally, written in dialogue form” (on 1580 ed.).
1030 [Astronomy]
Astronomische oefening, verhandelende de beginselen der sterreloopkunde
in XIV. plaatjes
, waar op 48 astronomische figuuren verklaard worden, by wyze van vraagen en
antwoorden (…) (- Tweede deel). Amsterdam, Heirs of F. Houttuyn, 1769-1771, 8vo, cont. polished
calf (sl. rubbed), richly gilt spine, gilt sides, marbled edges, [16]-220-[16], [16]-292-[12] pp. (some
minor offsetting of plate colouring). Nice copy.
2nd ed. (1st 1759-1761) of an educational textbook for amateur astronomers and pilots, sometimes
ascribed to Jan de Vries. Ill. with
24 folding engravings in nice cont. handcolouring
, incl. 2 fine
celestial maps (Zodiac). 3-page stocklist at the end of Pt. I. Titles in red and black.
STCN (5).
Bierens de Haan 5606-7. Buijnsters (1700-1800) 508.
1...,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255,256,257 259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,...432
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