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Descartes René
Principia philosophiae...
Amstelodami: apud Ludovicum
Elzevirium, 1644.
In-4° (mm 210x158). Pagine [24], 310, [2]. Lievi
forellini di tarlo sparsi, in parte restaurati. Legatura
coeva in pergamena, titolo in oro al dosro, tagli
spruzzati di rosso.
Prima edizione del sistema della fisica di Descartes nella
quale sviluppa la sua teoria dei vortici; l’ultima e quarta
parte contiene la prima teoria scientifica sul magnetismo.
Cfr. Guibert 118-9; Krivatsy 3116; Norman 622-623;
Tchemerzine II, 787; Willems 1008;
«It is no
exageration to say that Descartes was the first of modern
philosophers and one of the first modern scientists; in
both branches of learning his influence has been vast...
The revolution he caused can be most easily found in his
reassertion of the principle (lost in the middle ages) that
knowledge, if it is to have any value, must be intelligence and
not erudition.His applicationofmodernalgebraicarithmetic
to ancient geometry created the anylitical geometry which
was the basis of the post-Euclidian development of that
science. His statement of the elementary laws of matter and
movement in the physical universe. the theory of vortices,
and many other speculations threw light on every branch of
science from optics to biology. Not least may be rmarked his
discussion of Harvey’s discovery of the circulation of blood,
the first mention of it by a prominent foreign scholar».
€ 2000