français au verso. - Based closely on Blaeu’s map of 1630 but
with a simpler centred title piece. The map includes the arms of
Bermuda and England, and lists proprietors of the various
“tribes” into which the island was divided. French text on verso.
36 HONDIUS, H. / JANSSON, J. Americae pars meridio-
nalis. Amsterdam, 1639-1649. Col. d’époque. Fente en
bas du pli central sur 8 cm avec manque sur 8 mm de
large. - In original colours. Paper slightly age-toned as
usual with some offsetting due to oxidation of ink. Split
lower part center fold (8 cm) with some loss of image
(8 x 80mm). 460 x 550 mm.
200 / 300
Carte d’Amérique du Sud ornée d’un cartouche flanqué de six
Indiens. - Decorated with several ships and sea monsters, and
a cartouche flanked by engravings of six Indians, netted ham-
mocks and South American fauna.
37 HONDIUS, H. / JANSSON. Accuratissima Brasiliae
tabula. Amsterdam, 1639-1649. Beau col. d’époque.
Bel exemplaire. - Wide margins. Generally in good
condition. In original colours. 380 x 487 mm.
750 / 850
Carte du Brésil ornée de 2 cartouches à l’intérieur de la carte
figurant : “Baya de todos os Sanctos” et “Villa d’Olinda de
Pernambuco” et de scènes anthropophagiques. Texte en fran-
çais au verso. - A decorative map with a title cartouche of two
natives; in the interior is an inset of Baya de Todos os Sanctos
(Salvador), indigenous wild life and cannibal scenes. Oriented to
the west. French text on verso
38 HONDIUS,H. / JANSSON, J. Freti Magellanici ac novi
Freti vulgo Le Maire. Amsterdam, 1639-1649. Beau col.
d’époque. Fente en bas du pli central sur 8 cm et 2
petites déchirures en bas de carte restaurées. - Repair
of split lower part centerfold 8 cm into engraved area
and of 2 small tears in the lower part of the map. In ori-
ginal colours. 386 x 488 mm.
300 / 400
Carte représentant la Terre de Feu et le Détroit de Magellan.
Texte en français au verso. - Map of Tierra del Fuego. Hondius
added a Dutch translation of the explanatory text of the pas-
sage by Barent Jansz. Potgieter who accompanied captain
Sebald de Weert to the Straits in 1599/1600, being the first
Dutch vessels to sail through the Strait of Magellan. -
Koeman/Krogt, Atlantes Neerlandici, Vol.I, 9950:1B.
39 HONDIUS, H. / JANSSON, J. Asia recens summa cura
delineata. Amsterdam, 1631 [1639-1649]. Beau col.
d’époque. Bel exemplaire. - A very good copy. 372 x
494 mm.
700 / 900
Texte en français au verso. - Henricus Hondius’ fine and deco-
rative map of the continent of Asia depicting a refined Japan
and Korea. - Sweet, Mapping of the continent of Asia, 33.
40 HOMANN, Héritiers. Asia. Nuremberg, 1744. Col.
d’époque. Pli central restauré dans sa partie inférieure
sur 10 cm. Petit manque de papier dans la marge droite.
- Repair of split lower part centerfold 10 cm into engra-
ved area, loss of paper in the right margin. 470 x 552 mm.
200 / 300
Johann Baptist Homann’s well-engraved map of Asia has a large
decorative cartouche. Johann Baptist Homann (1663-1724) was