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His style of town planning is represented by spacious, regular plans, with the main thoroughfare bordered

by arcades that form a ground-floor gallery below solid structures above. The theatrical effect is further

accentuated by the presence of water courses, fountains or terraced waterfalls

” (Van de Winckle, p. 726).

His drawings and his


... of 1560 show that he had acquired a competent grasp of the

rudiments of spatial construction during the late 1550’s and was already capable of exploiting perspectival

effects with an unusually lively imagination

” (Kemp, p. 109).



est très rare non seulement en mains privées mais également dans des bibliothèques

du monde entier : on ne connaît que l’exemplaire du Getty (incomplet de la page de titre) et celui du

Metropolitan Museum of Art (département des dessins et gravures).

Quelques taches ou traces de mouillures, planche 9 avec grande déchirure restaurée sans manque.

Provenance : Earls of Macclesfield (vente VI, octobre 2005, lot 2070).

Exceptionally rare first edition of this work on perspective and scenography by the leading and best-

known exponent of mannerist decoration and the instigator of a new urban vision in northern and

central Europe. Kemp regards the artists as the first of a number of Northern European graphic artists

to have thoroughly assimilated the Italian tradition in perspective.