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SAS has a right of access and of rectification to

the nominative data provided to Artcurial SAS

pursuant to the provisions of Law of the 6 July



The lot must to be insured by the buyer im-

mediately after the purchase. The buyer will have

no recourse against Artcurial SAS, in the event

where, due to a theft, a loss or a deterioration

of his lot after the purchase, the compensation

he will receive from the insurer of Artcurial SAS

would prove unsufficient.


The lot will be delivered to the buyer only

after the entire payment of the price, costs and

taxes. If payment is made by cheque, the lot will

be delivered after cashing, eight working days af-

ter the cheque deposit. If the buyer has not settled

his invoice yet or has not collected his purchase, a

fee of 50€+VAT per lot, per week (each week is due

in full) covering the costs of insurance and storage

will be charged to the buyer, starting on the first

Monday following the 90


day after the sale.

Should the buyer fail to pay the amount due, and

after notice to pay has been given by Artcurial

SAS to the buyer without success, at the seller’s

request, the lot is re-offered for sale, under the

French procedure known as “procédure de folle

enchère”. If the seller does not make this request

within three months from the date of the sale,

the sale will be automatically cancelled, without

prejudice to any damages owed by the defaulting


In addition, Artcurial SAS reserves the right to

claim against the defaulting buyer, at their option:

- interest at the legal rate increased by five points,

- the reimbursement of additional costs generated

by the buyer’s default,

- the payment of the difference between the initial

hammer price and the price of sale after “procé-

dure de folle enchère” if it is inferior as well as the

costs generated by the new auction.

Artcurial SAS also reserves the right to set off any

amount Artcurial SAS may owe the defaulting

buyer with the amounts to be paid by the defaul-

ting buyer.

Artcurial SAS reserves the right to exclude from

any future auction, any bidder who has been

a defaulting buyer or who has not fulfilled these

general conditions of purchase.


For items purchased which are not collected

within seven days from after the sale (Saturdays,

Sundays and public holidays included), Artcurial

SAS will be authorized to move them into a sto-

rage place at the defaulting buyer’s expense, and

to release them to same after payment of corres-

ponding costs, in addition to the price, costs and



The buyer can obtain upon request

a certificate of sale which will be invoiced € 60.



In case of dispute, Artcurial SAS reserves

the right to designate the successful bidder, to

continue the sale or to cancel it or to put the lot up

for sale.


In case two bidders have bidden vocally,

by mean of gesture or by telephone for the same

amount and both claim title to the lot, after the

bidding the lot, will immediately be offered again

for sale at the previous last bid, and all those

attending will be entitled to bid again.


So as to facilitate the presentation of the

items during the sales, Artcurial SAS will be able

to use video technology.

Should any error occur in operation of such,

which may lead to show an item during the bid-

ding which is not the one on which the bids have

been made, Artcurial SAS shall bear no liability/

responsability whatsoever, and will have sole

discretion to decide whether or not the bidding

will take place again.



The French state in entitled to use a right

of pre-emption on works of art, pursuant

to the rules of law in force.

The use of this right comes immediately after the

hammer stroke, the representative of the French

state expressing then the intention of the State to

substitute for the last bidder, provided he confirms

the pre-emption decision within fifteen days.

Artcurial SAS will not bear any liability/responsibi-

lity for the conditions of 

the pre-emption by the French State.




The copyright in any and all parts of the cata-

logue is the property of Artcurial SAS.

Any reproduction thereof is forbidden and will be

considered as counterfeiting to their detriment.

Furthermore, Artcurial SAS benefits from a legal

exception allowing them to reproduce the lots for

auction sale in their catalogue, even though the

copyright protection on an item has not lapsed.

Any reproduction of Artcurial SAS catalogue

may therefore constitute an illegal reproduction

of a work which may lead its perpetrator to

be prosecuted for counterfeiting by the holder

of copyright on the work.The sale of a work of art

does not transfer to its buyer any reproduction or

representation rights thereof.




The International regulation dated March 3rd

1973, protects endangered species and specimen.

Each country has its own lawmaking about it. Any

potential buyer must check before bidding, if he

is entitled to import this lot within his country of


Any lot which includes one element in ivory,

rosewood…cannot be imported in the United

States as its legislation bans its trade whatever its

dating may be. It is indicated by a (





The buyer has to insure its purchase, and

Artcurial SAS assumes no liability for any damage

items which may occur after the sale.

All transportation arrangements are the sole

responsibility of the buyer.


The clauses of these general conditions of pur-

chase are independant from each other. Should

a clause whatsoever be found null

and void, the others shall remain valid

and applicable.

10.  LAW AND


In accordance with the law, it is added that all

actions in public liability instituted on the occasion

of valuation and of voluntary and court-ordered

auction sales are barred at the end of five years

from the hammer price or valuation.

These Conditions of purchase are governed

by French law exclusively. Any dispute relating

to their existence, their validity and their binding

effect on any bidder or buyer shall be submitted to

the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of France.



Artcurial SAS applies a policy to prevent

the sale of looted or stolen cultural


Bank :
