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ORVILLE WRIGHT (1871-1948)

Lettre dactylographiée signée à Hiram Bingham. Dayton

(Ohio), 28 Février 1928.

1 p. et demie sur 2 f. in-4 (26,8 x 18,4 cm) de papier vélin à

en-tête gravé, encre noire.

6 000 / 8 000 €

Belle lettre au sénateur du Connecticut Hiram Bingham relative à la

décision prise par Orville Wright de pas exposer le premier avion

qu’il dessina et construisit avec son frère Wilbur (le




Kitty Hawk

) là où il fut essayé, à Kitty Hawk (Caroline du

Nord). Cette lettre évoque aussi ses relations conflictuelles avec la

Smithsonian Institution :

« I have given your letter of the 22nd careful consideration. I have

discussed with a number of my friends, in whose judgment I have

confidence, the proposal of placing the Kitty Hawk machine in a

museum at Kitty Hawk. Not one of them has thought Kitty Hawk

the place for it. It is not my purpose to try to reach the tourist. I

am trying to bring the facts to the university man; the man who

writes history. The Smithsonian campaign of propaganda has

been addressed almost altogether to these people. The influence

on public opinion will be as great from the machine being in the

Science Museum of Great Britain as it would be from being in the

Smithsonian; but of course from national pride I would much rather

have had it in the latter. […] »